Kind of, me and the other commo guys used a Morse code network to talk shit about our leadership in Iraq. Even when they were in the room, using ancient US military tech.
Kind of, me and the other commo guys used a Morse code network to talk shit about our leadership in Iraq. Even when they were in the room, using ancient US military tech.
Walt Disney’s frozen head will be the new head diplomat to Europe.
I just searched for it on the playstore and couldn’t find it.
Sounds more like a roundabout way for the server or bartender to steal from the company.
Smell is the strongest sense tied to memory.
God damn, did you really need to throw in the middle aged part?
The point was that it wouldn’t be just us 3 vs 6 kids and a man baby. The point was that a decent mob overruns people who really aren’t that vested in it. Most of the secret service, FBI, CIA whatever, aren’t in it to destroy the democracy. They joined to preserve the country. I hate giving credit to the FBI but they’re resisting on a small level by not reporting on each other to musks goons. You act like 100% of every agency is all in on trump/musk and that’s just not the case.
They saw that maga isn’t on their side after J6. Sure, ICE is obviously a bunch of racist maga shitbags, but most of the rest of them joined the services to help the country, again, many were probably misguided but the heart was in the right place.
I was in the US army. There are a surprising amount of people who joined for altruistic reasons like me. It may be misguided, but it’s there. Also, the US military is smaller, fatter, and of a lower intelligence than any time in the last 80 years. But more to your point, there’s 1.2 million in the entire US military, including army, navy, Air Force, coast guard etc. theres 320+ million Americans. There’s an unknown amount of guns, but there’s definitely more guns than people. I don’t care how many drones exist. The people outnumber the military by so much that it really doesn’t matter at all, especially considering a large number of those military personnel also joined for the same altruistic reasons that I did. We also still have a handful of good people left in the government. Not a lot, but it will matter.
Also, name one fucking time the US military won a war against a guerilla insurgency.
No, you didn’t, but you definitely implied it.
Ehhhh you did go through their post history looking for something to be mad about because you disagreed with something they said. Neither of you have said anything racist. We need to remember who the bad people really are, those who do, or wish harm on others. Let’s try consolidating instead of separating.
Only Elmo. And ghosts can’t argue against you.
It’s a big subject at the moment. Palestinians v Israel, China v uyghurs, trump v everybody, it’s not unreasonable to mention these things in context. According to their posts, it seems they’re from Finland. I’ve never been, and don’t pretend to know a whole lot about Finland other than their war with Russia and simo hayha (due to my US army background) but I would be surprised if I found out that Finland had an issue with race, honestly. So does talking about race during a time when race is a big world issue automatically make them racist? No, it’s a discussion topic, and they never said anything racist. Don’t press that button unnecessarily, or it becomes meaningless.
We really don’t need it. We have numbers if we can manage to coordinate. Me and one or two other aging veterans would be far more than what’s needed to intimidate 6 fucking children and a man baby.
I didn’t see anything too egregious in their post history to get worked up over. Some downvotable opinions, sure (in America, a lifted truck is almost guaranteed to be indicative of racism, or at least republicanism.) but not really anything to be mad about.
It’s not about their skin color to me. It’s more about a likeliness that they’re not a Republican. Yes, I know, there are black Republicans, but it’s less likely.
Wow, that’s actually kinda surprising for Nebraska. Good for them!
Where in the screenshot does it say that?
How is one guy a mass murder?
I don’t think you understand the situation. The cats can spread the disease to humans. My dog found a birds wing from somewhere and brought it into the house. That was 3 weeks ago, so I assume we’re good. But the point is that pets bring this disease closer to humans, making it more likely to go H2H as it progresses. Having more cats interacting with birds makes the spread more likely, not less.