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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • …the theory that Earths surface is the post-apocalyptic “stone-age” setting of The Flintstones…

    I am going to have to do some research on this. So, did the rich go all Jurassic park with their infinity money to distract the masses, then when the flood waters rose, they forgot to keep the power to the containment on? Wasn’t there an episode where the Jetsons meet the Flinstones?

  • The school already had single stall bathrooms for fuck sake! I use a non-gender conforming bathroom at work all the time even though it’s labeled “men” and “women” because I can close the door and no one can see me and it’s exactly the same as the other! And using kids pronouns? You use kids pronouns all the time, just this time you use the one they want.

    Close-minded people trying to ruin literal children’s education because they are too fragile of snowflakes to take the signs off of bathrooms and use a different pronoun than they feel is “right”. Honestly, it’s good this came out, because the kids would have probably been bullied anyway from the kids with shitty parents. Now the parent can pick a more appropriate school.

  • When I first started my career, I was in a new town and looking for friends. I met this guy, and we started hanging out. It was cool, we had a lot in common and spent many days playing video games together and hanging out at the local stores. He told me his anxiety was so bad that he dropped out of high school, didn’t have any other friends, was still living with his parents, and couldn’t really hold down a job. We had some deep conversations about these things, trying to work through the whys and things he could do to get over them. One day, he told me that he really appreciated our friendship, and that it helped him get over some of his anxiety and basically feel worthy as a person. He eventually started hanging out with other people too, and even got a girlfriend. Eventually, he went on to get his GED (turns out it was easy, he just didn’t have the confidence to try), is going to community college, moved out of his parents, and has a job he enjoys in his field of study already. I moved away, and we don’t talk as much as we used to, but last I heard he was doing great. I don’t feel like I did much, just hanging out with a friend, but I’m glad I was a part of getting his life moving in the right direction.

  • When I was in 8th grade, I ended up separated from most of my elementary friends. I had one friend that I knew, and she had the same problem the previous year, and introduced me to some of her new friends. One was this boy who had a deformed arm. He opened my eyes to a whole new world of interests, musical tastes, style, anime, books (including one of my favorite authors to this day), and just generally made me look at life differently. We talked on the phone every night, to the point where my parents got me a second phone line because I was on the phone so much. He introduced me to his friends, one of which became my first boyfriend. And he was one of the first people I’d met that was as smart as me and I could have real conversations about the world with. He pretty much changed my outlook on life, and I would say the trajectory too. And he was my best friend.

    The next part gets sad, though. I met him the first day of 8th grade. Fast forward to summer break, we’re about to go into high school, and I went on a vacation with my family. My mom gets a call a day before we go back, she is visibly distressed but says it’s nothing. When I get home, three of my friends and my grandma are waiting for us. My grandma breaks the news: my best friend died. He had a heart defect - his heart gave out. I knew him for a year, and I still think about him all the time. It’s surreal sometimes. I have like two photos of him. I don’t talk to anyone who knew him anymore. It was so long ago and I know I’ve forgotten so much about him, it’s hard to think about sometimes. But none of that takes away the changes he made in my life. Also, ironically, he brought me to Christianity, but I could never forgive god for taking him away.