Whale and fermented shark in Iceland.
Whale and fermented shark in Iceland.
Here is an interesting fact: Bananas are naturally radioactive. They contain potassium, and a tiny fraction of that potassium is actually the radioactive isotope potassium-40. This has even led to the creation of the “banana equivalent dose,” a playful unit of radiation exposure!
I left before the API fiasco because I was addicted. Had a brief, beautiful couple of months away from platforms like reddit. Now addicted to Lemmy instead.
Playing Repton 2 also on a BBC micro in my parent’s bedroom.
One of my favourite games of all time. I forced my friend to sit and play it one night! I can’t wait for whatever they are doing next.
I also did this, this morning and it seemed to fix it. If it becomes impossible to block ads I guess we all just stop watching YouTube…?
Never heard of Kagi but it does sound I intriguing.
God I wish Google would reinstate their ‘Don’t Be Evil’ slogan.
The amount of times I’ve made the effort to look in a brick and mortar and not found the thing I’ve needed is too high.
Tried it, the quote was “A hermaphrodite can also be a cop”. I’m truly inspired
Control was the first game I played on SD and it was phenomenal.
The first is a surprise; the second is testing.