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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Do cars really need to have it though? They seem to be the only thing “targeted” to be forced into include something that can receive emergency broadcasts. Why not force homes to be outfitted with an AM radio? Everyone lives somewhere (mostly, unfortunately) but not everyone owns a car. If they really want people to have access to AM radio emergency broadcasts maybe they should supply people with portable AM radios rather than forcing car companies to include it in their cars and increasing the price of vehicles since they will require larger antennae and more wiring than just FM radio or no radio at all.

  • Please try to develop some reading comprehension.

    In the context of

    So would you agree there should be rules about protestors blocking access to planned parenthood? Or is it perfectly fine the way the system is right now, just allowing them to threaten and harass everyone going inside for unhindered rights or assembly?

    It was in direct reply to your comment about planned parenting protestors.

    In none of my comments am I bashing the bridge protestors other than saying they should not be allowed to block traffic, and the right of assembly should have rules and regulations to determine “proper” and “improper” forms of protest.

    I don’t even know what you are arguing about.

  • Literally no one said that. I fully support anyone wishing to protest against Israel’s treatment of Palestine and the hypocritical enabling of the democrats. The issue being discussed is whether or not certain rights and freedoms should have rules attached to it.

    Blocking a bridge, people say there should not be rules against it because they need to be a disruption to be heard properly. Some people say certain rules preventing the right of assembly should be allowed in certain cases, like blocking hospital access or creating buffer zones around schools and abortion clinics.

    Some people say there shouldn’t be any rules at all preventing any rights from being expressed.

    I’m of the opinion that blocking traffic shouldn’t be allowed for protesting peacefully. Line the edges and walkways of the bridge and be as visible as you want with large vibrant signs and megaphones, but don’t stand in the street preventing people from getting to work.

    Others disagree and simply say that it’s a right to do it, but then they are fine with attaching certain rules to other rights like preventing hate speech. It’s simply a matter of trying to find where the line should be drawn.

  • Wouldn’t people still own the same percentage, but the company itself just own less?

    I don’t believe they can just create shares out of thin air. The company would typically own a certain amount of shares the entire time and then sell the ones they own.

    So if you had 1% before and the company owned 50%, they might decide to sell half of their shares so they now only own 25% but you still own your 1%. You don’t just magically have 0.5% now.

    The reason the shares drop in price when this happens is because it’s a sign that the company is either in financial trouble and seeking for a quick influx of cash or it’s a sign that the company doesn’t have much hope for its future success and wants to sell now before the price naturally starts to go down anyways.