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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I miss it daily.

    The discussions here always are the same, very leftist. There is only one side. Memes here are always overdone. Comics are always politicized. Everything is “eat the rich”, lhgtbq cant do anything wrong and lets not forget: fuck the police. Eating the rich has been tried before guys, several times. It didn’t work. People need leaders and these leaders will always benefit from it. Learn history before you try to make it. Or is it just jealousy?

    Just because youre lhgtbq does not automatically mean you’re right or have been wronged. Surely your identity is very important. As is mine. lets find some middle ground, ok?

    Police does fuck up, a lot. Do you have a solution instead of “all cops are evil” or is that just a catchy easy thing to say? And that brings me to the next one:

    The depth in discussion and the amount of objective (news) subjects here is lacking. Views are often shallow and if they aren’t they are cast in stone. Lemmy is unfortunately not usable for sharing and consuming knowledge. The depth isn’t there, the communities too small and it always devolves into you’re wrong because i say so. Or, if its IT, the knowledge just isn’t there or worse: people are not willing to share it, adding a you f-ing MS simp because why not. And that brings me, again, to the next:

    It’s also often a lot less cordial. Instead of discussing the “room” gets divided in friends and enemies. Name calling is normal. Its a lot darker here.

    Most of the times I don’t even check responses on my comments : I know what they say. Yeah buddy, fuck you too.

    Anyway, its fine. I use it daily. The use case isn’t the same though. And the experience is very different.

    I wouldn’t be here without Sync by the way. Without (stuff like) Sync the hassle would just not be worth it.

  • When i was young we had glass bottles for everything.

    Thank god for PET bottles.

    PET is just as easily recyclable as glass and it doesnt break when the bottle falls or explode during temperature swings. Next to that its weighs not even 10% of a glass bottle thus saving a lot of transportation costs. Creating a PET bottle costs a fraction of a glass bottle. Nobody ever died because of a cut vein by a PET bottle. Glass on the other hand…

    PET is way better for the environment then glass ever will be.

    I lived in the 70s/80s as a kid and there are very good reasons why we stopped with glass. Glass bottles for pop sucked ass, big times.

    And the recycle money scheme also works on PET bottles. I know that also for a fact. Why? I live in the EU. We’re doing that for like… Forever.

    In the end its not the companies who just jug it onto the roadside or dont recycle shit. It’s us. We’re the assholes. We find it too hard to put something in the right bin. We find it too hard having 4 bins at home for recycling. We find it too hard to just keep our waste with us in the car. Its nasty. Just open the window and throw it out.

    Putting everything in glass will solve nothing. Then, instead of forever plastic we’re left with forever glass. People are lazy assholes. Accept it and start work on that, not the symptoms.

    And maybe… Maybe Carlin was right about plastic. (if you dont know what im talking about, which I cannot believe, search “carlin earth plastic” on YouTube. And choose the longest one for the entire sketch)

  • A dog would not look back. It would keep running in panic. An intelligent being would stop, assess and devise a plan to stay alive.

    It measures up the threat.

    In that scene it becomes instantly clear that something is up. This is not a normal dog.

    So for me, that scene just adds to the brilliance of that very good movie. For me its completely logical.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoLemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    4 months ago

    Why the downvotes: because you’re clearly the asshole. Or isn’t this /amitheasshole?

    Yes, older people have views from the past. That’s because they are older people. Yes, older people bitch and whine. That’s because friends and spouses are dead by now, they feel alone and forgotten. Yes, older people are not always nice. That’s because things you don’t even think about, like putting on clean socks or taking a shit by yourself have become hard, for some even impossible to do on their own and/or without pain leaving them with a feeling of loss and even regret for living that long.

    On top of that they’re literally waiting to die. And let’s not forget dementia.

    Now, maybe your granny is younger like 60 something, but still…

    Your response to the situation lacks a lot of empathy and respect. Without this person you wouldn’t be sitting there, scrolling through anime titties you clearly like just not always.

    And lastly: you will be her in 40-60 years. (i don’t know how old you are) You will be alone, your body will falter, your (grand) children will be uninterested in you. Etc.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    Hold up, hold up. “on linux such a thing doesnt exist” is a very bold statement for something containing millions of lines of code.

    There where and will be more then enough zero days in Linux, be it because of malice or incompetence.

    Open source doesn’t say anything about the quality of the code.

    Ever heard of log4j? Open source code…

  • If you watch, binge, all seasons se08 becomes more logical. There are small markers all over the series predicting it all. I didn’t pickup those at first (weekly) watch.

    I say more logical, not logical.

    Se01-se06 are still TV magic. Se07 (dany’s attack on the lannister convoy comes to mind) still is good and se08 just speed runs everything.

    I still think that was their only true mistake: speed running the season. It gave us everything we wanted. But in such a way nobody could enjoy it all. Jaime finally becoming true good only to return to his true love? (some very powerful acting there) Check. The long night? Check. End of the night king? Check. Ice dragon? Check. Arya voyage finally given meaning? Check. Jorahs redemption? Check. Cleganebowl? Check. Cersei dies? Check. Return of the mad king queen? Check. Theon’s redemption? Check. Destruction of kings landing? Check. Etc etc etc. It ticks all the boxes and more you didn’t even know they existed. It’s just that it ticks them in such an insane speed which results in gaps in the storytelling. Gaps of which some are filled if you binge it all but most will not.

    Se08 had to be 2 seasons. Season 8, ending with the long night, se09, the fall of the red keep.

    Yes, the 2nd dragon had to die for the sake of the story. Missandei had to die to cement Cersei being the baddest cruel bitch and complete dany’s arc to insanity. But like this? That was stuff for an entire episode. Not the final three minutes of one.

  • Where I live (NL, EU) there are several charging stations (+20 spots) within a 10 mile radius. Every neighborhood has like 5-10 parking spots with a charger. Around 10-15% of the residential housing have their own high-power charging outlet. Office buildings have around the same percentage (10-15%) of their parking lot converted to charging parking spots. Even parking lots in cities come with that same percentage of charging stations these days.

    Next to that around 30% of all housing is equipped with solar panels. New office buildings and factories all have giant solar arrays on their roofs. No exceptions.

    In the EU the biggest problem is not willingness or effort. The biggest problem is reality. You can’t connect that all to a power grid designed in the 60s. Energy infrastructure is hard, big and slow to build. Our grid is full. We are building like mad men but it just isn’t realisable in a short time. Especially since all of the EU is building a new grid at the same time… Building (nuclear) power plants, wind mills, conversion stations, high power grid cables all takes a lot of time.

    But, mobility in the EU is starting to become too expensive for the median income. Here a litre of ron95 gasoline is around 2 euros. The purchase of new cars are taxed to insanity here in NL. Around 50% of the price is tax. A new electric vehicle with acceptable range is somewhere around 50-60k (ionic, ev5/6)

    Electric vehicles had all sorts of tax exemptions. That’s changing. Soon they’re also taxes to the fullest.

    Alas, everyone who doesn’t have a job which provides a car does what I do: drive that old piece of garbage till it really falls apart.

    And I think that are the 2 main reasons for the laxer rules on ice vehicles. Reality regarding the needed infrastructure and cost to the public. Everything has become so much more expensive the last 4 years.

  • I bought the Nokia 8010 TV box instead of the shield. I do not know if it’s available in your country. Why? Cheaper and same ish enough.

    I like it but “like” is all there is. I do not love it. As most android boxes it is not 100% stable and needs a reboot after a week or so.

    I red in several forums the nvidia shield has the same problem.

    Tbh the appletv is the wise choice. Stable, more apps, better ecosystem, better soc, more storage. Plex also works on it.

    I couldn’t use it unfortunately because my Atmos setup is not arc 2.0 and the appletv only does uncompressed atmos. With arc 1.x it’s only possible to send atmos compressed over dolby digital plus.

  • You’re American. Marketing data says that you like all things French and Italian.

    Guess what happens next in this salesforce driven industry?


    East of Munich you’re best bet is German, but English is also spoken widely. West of Munich you’re more or less fine with English. In the northern countries we are used to the fact no one speaks our language so we all speak English, a lot of people French and a lot of German because it’s close to our own.

    Italians try English. As do most Spanish. Try is the magic word here, it’s like your Spanish after high school or my French. :)

    French don’t try. They speak French. Period. In hotels etc. (tourist spots) English is spoken by few employees. But they are there. :)

    In the balkans the situation is mixed. Some parts English, some German, some French, some Russian. I get by with an English/German mix in Croatia. my German is better then my French… But not a lot). Here in the Netherlands my level of German is widely called “steenkolen Duits” (coal German) because it’s course, harsh, hard and dirty)

    Anyway you’ll be fine. Have a great vacation.

  • Check. I’m here not there anymore.

    But, I do have something to say about the lemmy experience. It’s not that there’s less. There is but i don’t think that an issue.

    What I do have an issue with is the insane amount of politically charged posts. It’s almost making me return to that other place.

    Like I get it, the rich should all die horrible deaths, you’re socialist, not communist, you do support freedom just not capitalism.

    Aren’t we all deep down inside socialists?

    I mean jesus started it, we’ve been spoon fed it for 2k years. It’s just that We’re all also greedy and egoistic sacks of shit so there are some weaving flaws in that system.

    Great. Can we now get back to real content? Let’s not talk about politics. Let’s talk about world issues, Foss, games, books, movies, news (Libya, morroco) I dunno anything but politics.

    Politics and religion never unite. Fun stuff and real tragedy does.