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Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I agree that’s it’s a “hate the game, not the player”. The issue is how much influence he could have to steer the market to favor his product vs. the competition. It’s happened so many times in history where the better product fails because they can’t play the game like the inferior company.

    To quote “Pirates of Silicon Valley”:

    Steve Jobs: We’re better than you are! We have better stuff.

    Bill Gates: You don’t get it, Steve. That doesn’t matter!

    So is it fair for the consumer for big companies to be able to influence the game itself and not just play within the same rules? I’d say no.

  • A very good “normal” example of body modification, just not as permanent. And there are degrees to that as well…I’ve seen lipstick colors that just enhance the lip color and give a sheen that I don’t think twice about, but even my favorite celebrities look off putting to me when made up “heavily”. I’m a bit on OP’s side as far as preferring the natural look, although minor studs or a small tattoo somewhere don’t catch my attention in a negative way, if I even notice.

  • Police are trained to drive at faster speeds for obvious reasons, but even they need to limit such higher speeds to the same constraint of reaction and vehicle performance times. I’ll be positive and give the benefit of the doubt that he did try to avoid hitting her once he saw her (if he saw her at all), but I can’t imagine anyone being able to react nor slow or swerve in such a setting if it was like most 25 mph zones I know of. People speed through our 25 mph subdivision at 35-40 mph and I’m just waiting for the day someone gets clipped.

  • In areas that are prone to earthquakes, not really. This isn’t one of them, so it’s unusual and worth a report and determination of the source. A 4.0 at the epicenter would feel different farther depending on the material too - most of Florida wouldn’t transmit the energy well and slosh around a bit, unlike some bedrock that can carry the energy much farther. My real question would be if this is a natural cause, can there ever be a potential for seafloor movement that would power a tsunami (I don’t think so)? That would be far worse than the actual ground shaking for Florida coastline residents.

  • It’s possible we’d be in a better situation now. Lots of obvious things like not tossing out known facts about terrorism efforts and having a climate change awareness leadership. There’s much that would still be the same, like the system of consumerism that is the core of much of our problems. One person in a limited power seat can’t fix that, I’m not sure anything can outside of failure of the system itself. But I do think we would have at least avoided that one historic turning point that revved back up the military drive of the US. Even GWB’s administration was looking into ways of reducing the military into smaller, more mobile parts until suddenly we went into revenge mode. Or useful crisis mode.

  • The 6 foot distancing that wasn’t really ever followed well was a compromise to keep things open for the economy while pretending we’re doing something. What amazes me is how there wasn’t any mandate to require air filtration at key points in places with crowds - like a Corsi-Rosenthal box, the DIY stores could have had these in the front with a how-to-build and they would have made tons of profit while supplies lasted. I guess 6-foot stickers and signage was easier and cheaper. Remember when some stores tried to go further and enforce one way aisles?