Space X should be nationalized
Space X should be nationalized
Yes, that’s why they do this.
And this means they won’t get educated. People who are uneducated cannot easily find work. Unemployed people are more likely to resort to crime to make ends meet if they are desperate. It almost seems as if it’s better for everyone to have kids go to school to keep crime rates down in the future.
Climate change will make the southern 2/3 of the USA unlivable within a few decades. Canada has a lot of land. Trump’s teamwants it and the resources within.
No, some nations are still less safe.
His flights with Epstein were two both with MarlaMaples and his baby at the time Tiffany.
Instead of wasting time on the flights that were meaningless why bot focus on the hundreds of images of them acting friendly over the years? Why not focus on the audio clip of Epstein years before the trial calling himself Trump’s best friend?
No, it was a Chinese subcontractor using Chinese labor.
There was a construction company BYD contracted out of China to bring Chinese workers to construct a factory in Brazil. It was shut down by Brazilian labor authorities for “slavery like” conditions and treatment if the Chinese workers.
That seems to be source for that claim.
Treason requires working on behalf of an enemy nation. By every indication RFKJr is just another wealthy spoiled dumbfuck. There’s nothing that suggests his idiocy was designed to benefit a foreign power.
He needs to be sued into the ground for his actions in office.
We really shouldn’t be glorifying anyone’s family to the extent America did with the Kennedys. Many of them are and were worthless shitsacks. Of the dozen or so I have met only Teddy and Joe were impressive and Teddy’s dead.
Asking AIPAC for money to not support this
During shutdown one church had a laptop on the lectern as the priest had been exposed to Covid through their husband and did the service over zoom to the congregation at home
The poster above you provided a link.BYD contracted a Chinese construction firm to build a factory in Brazil that the Brazilian labor authorities shuttered over the slave like working conditions.
All of my family’s churches stream services on youtube. Most started during COVID and never stopped.
As all inmates have the right to a fair trial and every death penalty inmate appeals at every possible turn. This is 100% paid for by the taxpayer and makes executing people more expensive than housing them for their entire life. Any attempt to reduce this cost is met by an increase in likely unjust executions.
Your view is essentially “the death penalty exists so it is right” which is not a logically derived opinion. I don’t think you should talk about other people’s circular logic while avoiding recognizing your own.
I met a black man who was on death row for 14 years for the rape and murder of a white girl. The judge, prosecutor, and public defender all ignored evidence of her body being covered in strawberry blonde pubic hair which this man being black does not have. Thus he spent 14 years and was almost executed twice because everyone involved conspired to have him be convicted. Everyone involved got off scot free and no one faced any punishment for deciding to murder this guy because no one wanted to follow up on the evidence the police gathered.
I don’t know why anyone who considers themselves to be rational would support the death penalty when you know irrational and stupid people exist.
Source on slave labor at BYD?
I wish I was 35. 2009 was still somehow a better year
When you age you always look at your previous self as dumber than your current self even if that isn’t true.
Teens also rarely have finished schooling so from a literal standpoint teens tend to not be as capable because they are learning still.
You mean the car they have been paying down on? That’s less expensive