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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Saganaki@lemmy.onetoMemes@lemmy.mlAntitheism
    4 months ago

    I think the “joke” (quotation marks are working extra hard here) is that anti-theists want to get rid of all religion, so they’re rooting for the Christians eradicating a bunch of religions.

    It’s likely a misrepresentation of antitheism, but edge lords be edge lords.

  • If it’s at an Internet cafe where everyone is in attendance, I seriously strongly suggest “The Ship”. In my experience, probably the ultimate LAN game. Screen peeking allowed but not encouraged.

    The game is effectively a game of assassin—but you have to upkeep your player’s needs (food/water/shower/bathroom/sleep). Your character needing to take a shit is stressful—very often you begin the process only to have your murderer pop open the door with a fire axe.

    It used to have a “viral” gift copy thing on Steam where 1 purchased copy generated 2 gift copies and those copies generated 1 copy each. So in theory, you could only require 3 copies for 15 of you if that’s still active.

  • In many states, you actually need (liability) insurance to purchase a car. And you can’t get car insurance without a license. Some states have a grace period, but it is required. Even if you only intend to drive it on your own private property. Is it enforceable? Probably not, but it is the law.

    Not only that, legally you still need to register your car with the state. I’ll concede the “you can buy cars immediately but not guns” argument, but that really only applies to some states. In Wisconsin, you don’t need to register nor is there any waiting period.

    As for the “justified” argument, of course you are justified in those cases—but you can still be charged. Hell, my grandmother had to go to court for driving me (without a license) to the hospital in the 90s.

  • I don’t think I’ll be able to change your mind (I personally don’t think you’re necessarily wrong—it is subjective after all) but some things can be explained a little bit.

    Leadership knew that the taliban was not responsible for 9/11 but entered the country anyway. Unlike Iraq, there is no oil in Afghanistan. There was no strategic value in conquering this country other than intimidating other countries not to fuck with the states.

    I don’t have anything here, really.

    USA spends 39% of global spending on military but has only 4% of the population.

    This is far more easily explained. The US has so many military commitments. NATO, Rio treaty, Australia/New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, Korea…and that’s definitely not a complete list. The US is also sort of the only reliable military that can be anywhere rather quickly. The US has historically provided a lot of humanitarian via the use of its military logistics. Kosovo, Fukushima, and Haiti come to immediate mind, but I know there’s a lot more.

    Vietnam is the most bombed country in the world.

    Probably. But it is important to understand the context of the world at the time. The Cold War was a weird and potentially dangerous time. It’s easy to look back on this now with “we shouldn’t have been there” but it’s also very certainly possible if the US wasn’t involved there, countries further S/SE of Vietnam could have also “succumbed to Communism/Socialism” or just been plain invaded.

    The US has caused so much suffering, instated dictators like Pinochet, fueled proxy wars in Latin America and in the middle-east, they even funded the taliban in the 80s.

    Yes, definitely a lot of bad choices. But some were often believed to be the least bad option at the time.

    It’s also important to remember that Communist/Socialist leaders were also responsible for a large number of atrocities. Khmer Rouge killing fields comes to mind. I’d probably guess that Socialist/Communist leaders were more ruthless & responsible for more deaths than US-backed ones on a “per-instance case”, but I’m not a historian and am fully willing to be convinced otherwise with evidence.

    American foreign policy is insane and USA is a terrorist state.

    I’m curious what aspects of foreign policy you find insane. Some instances make a lot of sense to me (Ukraine, for example). Others, such as Israel, sort of make sense from a “cold-blooded” point of view (needing an ally in the region) even though I don’t agree with it with all on a personal level.

    I guess my point of view sort of boils down to: If there’s a power vacuum, a single group or nation will attempt to take that power vacuum. And the US certainly isn’t ideal, but very well could be the “least bad option”. This may certainly me having this opinion because I grew up in the US, but I personally wouldn’t want China or Russia, for example, holding the same position the US currently does.