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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024

  • You and I both know it was not your first offense, you’re entitled to your opinion on the rest, but we don’t play with rule 3 - especially when it is blatantly ignored.

    Aren’t the logs public? It was the second action on my account, the first being a petty mod removing one comment and not other “worse” one. So yeah no it friggen was, so you did zero leg work before issuing a community ban. Nice job!!!

    Also if you’d like to get an alert for why your comment was removed or why you were banned, I’d recommend making a feature request to the Lemmy devs, I agree it’d be nice to get alerted when you did something against the rules and what rule, we post that in the mod log but it unfortunately doesn’t tell the user without them digging into modlogs.

    Lots of communities have an automod set up to send a message to users, or you know as part of your mod duties you could provide that disclosure so you can work on bettering your communities that you want to moderate…

    Come on dude, this is two months of you defending this person instead of removing the offending troll, they created work, and instead of dealing with it appropriately or doing what was right. You just let them give your communities comment metrics and shadow moderated a bunch of people.

    What a strange way to mod… fucking yikes buddy. You had someone clearly coming in to cause shit, so I reported some comments, like the sidebar says to do. And I get my comment moderated and banned. What a mod guys!

  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoMovies@lemmy.worldRibbons on vents. Why?
    4 hours ago

    how hot do you think the air coming out of a duct is? Also, this isn’t a discussion about what codes allow, this is about what happens in practice.

    Its hot enough to catch wood on fire… thats why metal ducts have very specific code clearances to combustible’s… yikes… yeah thats the education level on this topic here…? The duct gets a lot hotter than the air coming out of it… try touching an operating one sometime…

  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoMovies@lemmy.worldRibbons on vents. Why?
    5 hours ago

    It’s not a thing in real life either…

    HVAC techs will use the anemometer that’s part of their standard kit, they aren’t going to tie a fire hazard that collects dust to a duct….

    If you see them left behind, that’s because the company was too cheap to cleanup their garbage, they would ONLY be used while the techs were actively diagnosing a persistent issue, but it should be removed when done.

    Why do people perpetuate obvious fake Hollywood stuff? Do you think code will allow you to permanently affix something flammable to a duct that would be heated and can catch it on fire……?

  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoMovies@lemmy.worldRibbons on vents. Why?
    5 hours ago

    In my first comment I explained how it’s used in COMMERCIAL buildings.

    And techs will use tools instead of ribbons, since tying ribbons to ducts, attract dust and can be a fire hazard, most codes explicitly forbid their use.

    And great story about the hack company fixing your MUA and leaving their garbage behind since they were too cheap to pay someone to remove stuff they shouldn’t have put in in the first place.

    It’s always funny when laymen’s try to say something they saw a hack doing is somehow an industry standard technique or something…. Anemometers are cheap and standard hvac tech equipment. Gives you an exact answer instead of, it flutters….

    It’s a Hollywood trope, full stop. People think it’s used in real life since people see the trope and some idiot desk worker wants to think their AC isn’t working.

    HVAC techs aren’t going around tying fire hazards that’ll collect dust and look like garbage in 2 weeks to vents people…. Hollywood really loves exposing rubes with these hella obvious fake tropes…

  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoMovies@lemmy.worldRibbons on vents. Why?
    5 hours ago

    Why would you be using a camera? Is Hollywood inside you house lmfao. The vents are also easily reachable without a ladder, so you wouldn’t need a camera anyways? So why are you suggesting a camera?

    This isn’t a thing in real life, never has, never will be. It’s a Hollywood trope…. Let’s see someone post a picture from their house, this isn’t a thing and people here are yanking your chain OP.

  • What was rule breaking about a comment discussing why someone would be doing something…? It wasn’t even a response to them…. I didn’t insult them, you left all the other users comments in that thread…. And I was adding to the discussion.

    The comment was 3 months ago………… and this was the same user as this one which was 2 months between them.

    You’ve had multiple rule breaking comments, especially last month.

    3 months ago……….

    Also, the modlog for every community is and has been public.

    What does a public mod do when a user isn’t even informed about moderated comment, why it was moderated or what they can do about it….? If a user isn’t informed they did something wrong, they can’t fix it, and banning someone for their first offense on an account is just fucking wild lmfao.

    Context dude as a mod you should be using it, not swinging your fucking dick around moderating comments because someone is intentionally causing a disturbance. Ban the one causing the fucking shit next time. Does it seriously make sense to moderate and ban 100s of users instead of the one ass causing the issues…?

    So again, this mod is nuts banning users for no reason. Maybe if you want to ban someone for no reason, leave them a comment, explain what they did wrong… since you know how the fuck can someone fix what they did wrong if they aren’t informed…. You were defending this account for at least 2 months. It was 3 months ago I was banned and this post was a month ago… clearly you should have dealt with the cause of the problem mate… fucking hell

  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoMovies@lemmy.worldRibbons on vents. Why?
    15 hours ago

    Idk, usually I can just tell when I get hot or cold if the central air isn’t working myself.

    It’s a thing for commercial buildings with stuff high up snd you can’t feel the draft from without a ladder, but not in houses or trains or anywhere else Hollywood slaps them. It’s not a thing, why are so many people trying to claim it is? Lol

    Let’s see yours on your vents if it’s a thing then.

  • Because it was represented as a feature when someone decided to rent the place.

    Pardon? It wasn’t on the lease, so it wasn’t.

    For example, nothing requires an outlet or switch to work, as long as it’s safe, but we expect that to work. I doubt anything requires all burners on a stove to work, but it’s certainly expected. Nothing requires windows to open but it’s expected.

    Actually, codes and legislations do! Your entire comment is misguided yeesh. AC IS different since no codes, legislations, or the lease requires it. A stove is require by code, legislations, and lease, so if it doesn’t work, that’s an issue.

    So you understand the very important distinction now….? Probably not, but do you?

  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldCanvas is coming Back! (July 12th)
    15 days ago

    Eh, I know a bunch of people who left Lemmy just because they did this, I’m not gonna do something else, but they should also realize people don’t want a Reddit clone and this stuff will make people leave.

    People left Reddit to get away from this stuff, try being unique instead of emulating what you left. Like the tired old trope of your very “unique comment” as well…….