It’s the original water cooler talk. Probably weren’t talking about tv shows, though
I’m just this guy, you know. Except on Lemmy.
It’s the original water cooler talk. Probably weren’t talking about tv shows, though
Do US Navy ships even have a scuttlebutt anymore?
Mine do but that’s because I got a new job, which is about the only way to get a raise that beats inflation these days.
There have been some pretty interesting accounts of what it’s like to start testosterone. Vivid visual sexual fantasies and the like. Gives a new perspective on what being soaked in testosterone for decades does to your brain.
I’ll see if I can find some when I’m not on mobile.
A lot more room to maneuver in the air, though. Like a third dimension and stuff
Nope, one was an Embraer and the other looks like an Airbus
Edit: Looks like the smaller one was a Bombardier CRJ900 and the bigger one was an Airbus A350
My kids’ school did this a while back and even though I didn’t have any issues buying their lunches not having to manage their account was nice. And since they also got breakfast it was one less thing I had to do before getting them on the bus.
If people think schools feeding kids is a waste of tax dollars, imagine how much of a waste it is to try to teach hungry children.
Comparing phones on specifications when both operating systems are different is kinda stupid. I guarantee most people don’t care about refresh rates or data transfer speeds.
Also, not a meme.
Another impact is that it can drive top talent away from the government (potentially by design from certain political dispositions). Would you work somewhere that doesn’t pay you or delays paychecks?
Of all the reasons I avoid working for the government this is pretty far down the list.
A little more than half* of We the People will have no problem with this.
* by land area
Man, things sure have changed since I was in college. The university had one /15 and three /16s so every single ethernet port everywhere on campus had a publicly routable IP.
Napster was so goddamn fast…
To put it another way: If they were shooting up board rooms instead of classrooms we’d have gun control yesterday.
So this is a press release, meant to be consumed by interns in a news room to stitch into a barely read story on a news site.
But reading between the lines, this is $7.3 billion going to improve the grid for a bunch of rural electricity cooperatives, which is pretty great. Moving the energy generated around is a big problem, especially when some weird hippie moves in and puts a ton of solar panels down hoping to sell energy back to the grid.
(It’s me. I’m the weird hippie. Hopefully, someday.)
Thanks that helps but being able to hide specific items from the feed on my browser would be nice.
Is there a good way to block stories about a specific event? I’m already having a bad day and hearing about something that will never stop is making it worse.
Unless idiots are allowed to keep fully loaded weapons within easy reach of children the government will start throwing us into internment camps.
Step 3 of enshittification has begun
It’s an electron microscope of a violin built with individual atoms, as in “I will play the smallest violin in sympathy”