I get they just do what they want but like, how is this possible if they agreed to a ceasefire? Was the agreement in bad faith?
Its as though they are going for the genocide highscore or something??
I get they just do what they want but like, how is this possible if they agreed to a ceasefire? Was the agreement in bad faith?
Its as though they are going for the genocide highscore or something??
This has to be the best comment I’ve seen on this today
Idk, I went on there earlier and watched some of the live interactions, there does seem to be a large amount of English speaking people who are messaging the live creators and the creators are responding in their best possible English.
It’s actually quite nice to see two different cultures coming together.
But I’m sure that if they wall off the rest of China to the US users the app will lose its shine and people will move on somewhere else.
And once it happens, no one will do anything. We all just have to sit by and watch our political leaders be complicit with the US backing all of this
100% men have denied men from having cute outfits for too long! Be the change you want to see in the world
Its more effort but I do this if I think its worth sharing a link, test the link in a private browser first. I just also don’t want to be doxxing friends and family to the platform in question either.
Let’s just share content and not track people and accounts
Its the civilians fault for not better protecting themselves from missiles and bullets? We must all be stupid for not realizing this sooner
Its a pretty good business idea, at least in the US
There are other reusable bag options that are not plastic. I’m also strongly opposed to the reusable bag options which supermarkets offer because most are platic but you can get plenty of nice cotton or hessian material type bags around.
I’m a bag fan of banning single use plastic but it should definitely go to the extent of even reusable plastic because its been demonstrated that reusable plastic options aren’t that much more sustainable.
This will almost certainly be a false positive, its a heuristics(I think that’s the correct term) based detection, basically just matches certain characteristics of files that have been related to that trojan.
These days Defender has exceptional real time malware scanning capabilities, it often picks up stuff as you download it or even as it executes. If this was a detection of an existing file, its very likely a false positive.
Tim Pool! I once knew a guy who thought everything he said was amazing
Was this something called ceefax or teletext? I vaguely remember hearing of someone using it to book a holiday when I was growing up
I’m really out of the loop, what are they investigating?
11th hour? The nomination for the party hasn’t even happened, there is around 5 months to the polls, this is definitely not the 11th hour.
So true, this really highlights the risk of updates impacting critical systems vs critical systems being exposed to critical vulnerabilities. Its a real balancing act.
Some real digital history record keeping there! This stuff is so cool and is something we never considered with all those random memory cards we gave away and sold.
I’m so jealous.
I’m trying to learn rust and so far this has definitely made it so much more accessible.
Not to mention their super useful “rustlings” training which has these nice little challenges to get you used to language and syntax
If you’ve ever managed or monitored a corporate firewall, you’re honestly doing yourself a disservice by not using an adblocker these days. The amount of malicious advertising that corporate firewalls block these days from employees on the internet is astounding.
Legitimate as traffic accounts are constantly hijacked by threat actors as its such an easy way to spread malware and compromise machines.
Thanks, I didnt realise there were terms on location, I thought it was just all together.