Systems Engineer and Configuration
Management Analyst.

My postgrad degree is in computer science/cybersecurity, but my undergraduate is in archaeology. Someday, maybe, I’ll merge the two fields professionally!

In addition, I love true science fiction, as well as all things aviation, outer space, and NASA-related.

Glad to be here trying out kbin and the fediverse.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Kind of like how Lemmy made up communities? Lol you don’t call microblogs “toots” either. Seems every fediverse software has their own terminology.

    Also it’s dev, singular. Kbin has been put together by only one dev. I personally find that damn impressive considering it’s functionally on par with Lemmy being only 2 months old to Lemmy’s 4 years.

  • I understand your idea, but I think it would defeat the purpose of the fediverse. It would create single points of failure that are un-correctable.

    I also think many people forget that Reddit never functioned any differently. Everyone seems to have forgotten (and I’m not saying you have!) that there are and were always multiple subreddits for any given topic. With slightly differing names. The only reason people are forgetting this is because eventually one or a handful became pre-eminent and the others died or became transformed into something more niche.

    I think it’s a problem that will ultimately correct itself, but I think a tags based system, like hashtags in Mastodon, would be a better solution for tying communities/magazines together through metadata.

  • SpacemanSpiff@kbin.socialtoLemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.worldsafe space
    1 year ago

    I think it’s a fair point. They won’t be able to remain federated to many instances if their point of contention is open-enrollment.

    I understand needing the Lemmy moderation tools to improve and that it’s temporary, but the damage to their own communities and users may not be temporary.

    Their users will turn inward and end up preferring their own communities—which is fine. However it also means that non-beehaw users will shy away from those communities in favour of others, lest their home site get de-federated at some point for the same reasons. These effects combined means slow-to-grow, low-visibility communities in the fediverse, and increases the chance that their communities may dwindle if others of the same subject become pre-eminent outside of Beehaw.

    In short, while I understand their reasons, I think that it risks making permanently insular and ultimately much more similar to a non-fediverse website.

  • I think the “dynamic updates” behaviour is tied to Lemmy’s use of websockets instead of http. Kbin uses http. The Lemmy devs have stated they’re going to move off of websockets in the future as they present scaling issues with the way the software is written.

    The websocket protocol allows bi-directional push communication regardless of the previous request which means that new posts are constantly triggering server side updates which then appear like a page “refresh” on clients.

    Arguably, while websockets have very cool realtime features compared to http, for a Reddit-like content aggregate their use can quickly overwhelm usability without significant retooling.