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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Theft has a very strict legal definition. Piracy is not legally theft. It is legally infringement, a separate crime. Conflating one with the other is propaganda by the largest IP holders.

    These largest IP holders want nothing more than to lock up all culture and rent it back to you for a price, indefinitely. They would happily steal from you without a moment’s hesitation. In fact, they have stolen from you. They’ve successfully extended copyright terms to an absurd length, preventing works from entering the public domain for decades.

    Many of these IP holders also don’t care about preservation. They’ll happily let their works be lost to history. Some are actively fighting against preservation.

    Is it immoral to infringe? Yes. But IP holders don’t have the moral highground. They’re just as bad, if not worse. (I’m talking about the multi billion dollar companies here, not the small business persons struggling to get by)

  • This is an aside from my previous comment and only adjacently related:

    On one hand I agree with what you are presenting as the premise to your argument. Teenagers and even young adults, as mature as they can/could be, still have only a short lifetime of experience to draw from and make decisions based on. Making a change that is, for all intents, a permanent and irreversible life and body altering change could be a bad decision and lead to regret and even deeper depression if gender dysphoria is not the real cause of their woes.

    But I also have another viewpoint in that the more time your body has to mature and develop, the less effective and more difficult changing genders can be. Puberty dictates the development of your body, and that doesn’t care if you are of an arbitrary age that society has deemed as mature enough to make decisions for yourself or if you’ve had enough life experience to make the best decision for your life.

    Now I’ll freely admit that as someone who is not trans, I don’t particularly understand everything about it. I don’t understand everything about biology, sex, gender, etc. I could even be flat out ignorantly wrong in what I’ve just said just now. I do believe that more studies and support should be done for trans people so that they can make a better informed choice in their futures, but I also believe it’s ultimately their choices to make, not society’s.