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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • If he was willing to pay all that he would have hired legal employees who would then have actually had things like unemployment insurance to help them if something came along and caused him a sudden drop in business. But by hiring illegals he was able to be "competitive"with his prices. Which of course is another way of saying steal business from companies that hire legal employees. So, he not only screwed over the illegals working for him, but also every employee at every company that would have otherwise hired legal employees.

  • Comrade, you see back in old days, a strong Soviet man might have to fall out of window 30 or 40 times before finally succumbing to injuries. Minor improvements in window falling technology improved this over time. Improvements like feeding political enemies high calorie foods thus making them heavier. Also promotions worked for many. By first promoting the unfortunate soul, you could insure that they lived on a higher floor or had a house with a 3rd story. However, all of these solutions took much time. It wasn’t until 1 brilliant pioneer realized that if the unfortunate accident victim first broke neck before falling out of window, then even the sturdiest of men could fall out of even basement window just once.

  • The young upstart Microsoft fatally wounded the International Business Machines behemoth and brought us an OS for the common man. Something simplified that could provide a GUI and run on just about any hardware a normal person could afford. And thus everyone lived happily ever after.
    The scrappy competitor stepped in with better design and a great deal of care about the customer experience to knock the dominant OS bully off… Whoops, the scrappy competitor stepped on his own dick… And again, and again… And then the scrappy competitor had to be bailed out by the OS bully. And thus everyone lived not un-happily ever after.
    Until, the people’s hero entered the ring with their open phone OS, a replacement for the Netscape browser but this time with real money backing it, and a moto of righteousness, “Don’t be evil”. Once in the ring they began kicking all the Goliaths in their dicks… Cellular teleco, oppressive OS makers, even home Internet providers. There was no monopoly whose reproductive organs were safe from the swift boots of our savior Google. And thus everyone lived happily ever after.
    You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.