The problem isn’t the values. The values don’t matter when they are complete fiction and tailored for bubbles. The problem is that Cambridge Analytica has served as a basis for what to do, not as a basis for what not to do, and societies and democracies are getting treated like cattle with the biggest giveaway being the world richest man outright buying a social network and abusing it as he has and the people who should be most aware and reactive to it acting like if it isn’t a core portion of the problem.
This comedy bit mocks what is happening now with all the political mud slinging regarding the loss:
And all the better that the animals in the animal farm fight against each other lest they realize whom they are a victim of.
What I’m reading is that they want to foster the greatest source of bankruptcies in the US, healthcare costs, while lowering the living standards to turn the US into a “third world shithole country”. For added irony, while also having an oligarch who had to migrate away from his home country for contributing to do the same in their birth country and not being able to reap what they sowed, just to end up doing the same in their new country.