• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Having been raised in a religious household and having escaped it later in life to become an engineer/science nerd, while being ostracized by my, incredibly, incredibly disappointing parents because they refuse to learn new things or acknowledge scientific studies that conflict with their religious views:

    This answer is unequivocally, absolutely, a 100% correct take on humanity and their need for the “simplistic” and incorrect answers religion gives about the world around them.

  • The literal definition of conservatives fits the Pharisees to a T.

    You understand they killed him because they were conservatives and didn’t want his “new progressive” ideas from spreading further to the people, correct?

    You’re not even trying here. Or you’re really, really clueless as to what conservatism is in politics throughout history.

    TL;DR; Jesus was a progressive. The people who killed him were conservatives. If Jesus were alive today he’d 100% be a progressive/liberal. His ideas fit neatly within the progressive and liberal ideals, even 2,000 years later. And just like 2,000 years ago, conservatives today would claim he’s the anti-christ and try and murder him to kill his “progressive” ideas.

    We don’t even have to create hypotheticals. We see this with people who actually represent Jesus Christ’s teachings from the book (love everyone equally, don’t judge, don’t horde money, render unto ceasar, help the poor, give up your money to help, don’t build giant churches and temples, don’t be racist, don’t do war, don’t do genocide, etc. etc.), get attacked and death threats from modern day conservatives. Just like the conservatives from B.C.

    Nothing has changed. Because that’s what being a conservative means.

    You understand that right? It’s literally right there in the name.

  • Because Netflix didn’t dismantle the capitalism machine.

    Capitalism can never fully disrupt itself. It’s always cyclical. If bundling eventually made it more money, then it will eventually return. If the response to that is to innovate something that gets around that form of bundling, then that “disrupts” the market, in the short term, only for the market to settle back to bundles.

    Because as long as the idea makes more money in a capitalistic society, it will never die.