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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Eh, I agree with the OP, but Memento isn’t comparable to the sort of thing they’re complaining about. Memento is a story told backwards to mess with your perception of the story. The “flashbacks” (flashforwards) are a lazy trope to either try to suck you into the story by giving you the cool part near the climax as the front of the movie or some emotional manipulation crap. The “I bet you’re wondering how I got here” variant is the absolute worst tho…

  • Sure, though it isn’t super exciting. The assistant store manager, Lucio (fuck you Lucio, you fucking piece of shit) was an illegal immigrant who managed to fake his way through the verification steps, and INS showed up one day and vanned him while I was away going to college.

    I wasn’t sad to see that fucker go, because he had a number of Mexican kids that he let do whatever they wanted, including Edgar who sexually harassed multiple girls out of the store and Lucio wouldn’t do shit because “why would I fire him when we’re already losing one employee”. Never mind that wed already lost 4 girls at that point and one of them was pregnant at the time. I’m honestly surprised he and I never came to blows because I didn’t hide that I fucking hate him.

  • My manager didn’t honor the employee discount after I was gone, either.

    They never do. I had a manager try that shit on me when I was working food service, and I turned it around on him and made him get one of his toadies to clean it up after talking a bunch about “not being trained for biohazard cleanup” and “OSHA regs” which got him to back down, and I told all my coworkers the same so they’d tell him to fuck off too.

    Still wish I could have been there when the feds showed up and escorted him out of the building.

  • Jumping a turnstile and taking a physical, actually scarce resource is not comparable to duplicating a digital, artificially scarce resource.

    The train requires ongoing maintenance and can only hold a finite amount of people. Taking the train seat for free takes away something from another person. Downloading media does not use any ongoing resources, and does not take anything away from another consumer.

    Comparing the morality of physical goods to digital goods are not really a good comparison specifically because of the artificial scarcity brought on by making something digital to try to make it more expensive doesn’t map to the real scarcity of physical goods.