forgot to add this from 2017
A national campaign seeks to make all US states prohibit sex between humans and nonhuman animals.
This campaign seems to be sheer bull-headed prudery, using the perverse assumption that sex between a human and an animal hurts the animal. That’s true for some ways of having sex, and false for others.
The convo has gone way off topic and is better discussed somewhere else.
Yes transphobia is a thing and needs to be discussed, just not here. drag, you got your point in/across and was rebutted. let it end here, make a thread somewhere and continue if your really want but its gone way past PC gaming and onto other issues.
im fairly easy on the moderation here as I feel its better for the community (mostly) and very little reports come in so I let everyone do their thing. im not going to remove comments or ban you, but please let it die here.