You could have just crosspost from
You could have just crosspost from
And here comes the fun part: It can’t turn into Reddit 2.0. If you don’t like the policy of your Instance, just join an Instance that fits you more, or create one your own.
I discovered Brutus a few weeks ago. Stefanie Mannaerts is the vocalist and plays the drums simultaneously. The power in her voice while smashing the hell out of her drums… incredible. I was blown away when I saw a Video of her performance and realized it. What Have We Done is probably my favorite.
I run a small PC (ProLian Gen10) with a power consumtion of 40W 24/7. What is your upload speed? Are the torrents you want to seed even wanted? If nobody needs to download them, you wont upload much. Does your VPN supports Port forwarding?
Thank you! I loved to doomscroll r/DJSetups on reddit and just look at other Setups. Some of the are really aestetic, minimalistic, completely over the top or a complete new approach.
No problem. Welcome! :)