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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I suppose I walked into that one. Though those are big words. It doesn’t explain anything, however. Once again, you seem to be parroting. Understanding is the key here, which is what I meant under it all.

    You see, the issue we face today, one of many in fact, is that people tend to read a headline, listen to a sentence, do “research” all in the name of confirming their personal theories or perspectives, not challenge them. Thus why I ask.

    Because most won’t have the slightest idea, though they sure will be able to repeat what they heard.

  • I just fired up Donkey Kong Country recently after lowkey bragging about how I knew all the secrets, despite playing it last years ago. Partner was like, “Aight. Show.”


    And to my surprise I still remember where everything is and breezed past all except one level so far.

    And you all know which fucking level that was.

  • Oh no I didn’t mean any sort of shaming. Only that this digital world creates new stressors and puzzles for both parent and child. A kid just hitting 15 has essentially grown up in a world where digital and anime characters influenced them. Many kids may attach some emotional prerequisite to those characters and unintentionally judge others based on that perspective. Moreover, hanging out in person after The Lost Years (Covid) is almost secondary to the ease of things like Snapchat and other obligations such as school bring.

    I don’t envy any parent trying to work through this.