I’m curious, too. It was the only decent free vpn.
Edit: Why downvote?
Artist. Formally /u/1831942.
I’m curious, too. It was the only decent free vpn.
Edit: Why downvote?
Does anyone else only remember their dream if they’re lucid dreaming, but for some reason, it immediately wakes you up when you realize you’re lucid dreaming?
No way. The guy who died on the toilet?
He knew karate and was an actor, I guess
Yeah, but not for shitty companies. I’m down to invest in a mom and pop if it helps get it off the ground. Fuck pump and dumps, and people who inflate bubbles.
Imagine not leaking your confidential information to War of Thunder.
We should extend the “safe at home” program to trans people now. Hateful people can’t be trusted with their personal info.
I used to be a part of it and faced a lot of discrimination. My ex’es family has a stalker (I was living with them, so I had to join). My ID/ drivers license had a PO box instead of an address. Whenever I’d tell people I was in the program, they’d say it was bullshit, then THEY’D get yelled at, and then I’d get a little extra nice treatment. I wish trans people could get the same.
Republicans feel like stalkers to me. You just want to live your own life and identify as your own person, and you have these weirdoes judging your privates? Let people be safe and fuck off pretending to do the same.
In my hometown, we still have over 10.
I hated it until I got older. It’s an acquired taste, but once you like it, it’s super refreshing.
I found a good review:
I hate BMW drivers like many do. For some reason, black cars are always the worst. I told my partner I don’t like black, BMW drivers.
I was so confused by her shock, until I realized she thought I was talking about black people.
Oh, I know that keyboard! It still reminds me of the ebox remote keyboards. I forgot mini/ accessory keyboards like that exist.
$10 isn’t bad. I wonder if there’s foss examples. Are the keys rubber dome?
Average family guy, youtube, “thumbnail.”
Russians are really bad about impersonation. Both sides keep changing their arm bands for ID because of that. That’s why they’re using replaceable ducktape. They’re temporary. If you stick with one color, the enemy impersonates you. It’s a colour code. I know that’s morally wrong, but that’s what’s happening. There’s also NO chance that helps with identifying your limb /s. I’m not a combatant, but I’ve been following Ukrainen info lines for a while. They talked about it once. I’ll edit if I can find a source.
Edit: I can’t find the example of a soldier talking about the arm bands, but here’s some evidence (I saw it, but it was removed):
“During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian ground forces started to use reflective yellow armbands, similar to yellow reflective belts used in the U.S. Army.[2] Later, they switched the armband color to blue (the other color of the Ukrainian flag) to prevent Russians from infiltrating their ranks.[3]” Wikipedia
“Russian forces have used red, as well as gray, white cloth, neon green, silver reflective bands, and black and orange ribbon. The black and orange ribbon is a reference to the Order of Saint George, the highest military decoration in the Russian Federation. The colors of the ribbon are said to symbolize war’s fire and gunpowder, the death and resurrection of Saint George, or the colors of the original Russian imperial coat of arms.” Wikipedia
I don’t blame them for hiding the exact info. Loose lips sink ships.
Edit 2: Here’s an article with the person who gave the info:
I just remembered my username
If the battle of Normandy hadn’t happened, they would’ve done it. They tested it in Scotland on sheep, and it worked, but they couldn’t contain it. A sheep got blown off shore, spreading the disease. That’s not why they shut it down, though. They shut it down because the war was basically over.
"The testing of anthrax as an animal elimination method was done on Gruinard Island, just off the coast of Scotland.[7][1] The location was chosen because of its small size, only 520 total acres,[8] and its lack of inhabitants, along with there being a nearby military base at Loch Ewe that served as a staging area. Original tests on the effectiveness of anthrax were conducted on the island in 1940 and 1941 with the bacteria being included in a bomb, which was dropped on 60 sheep that had been shipped to the island. The bomb itself contained a thick slurry of concentrated anthrax spores and was dropped from a Vickers Wellington bomber. This test proved more effective than expected, with all the sheep dying in days, but also infecting a number of farm animals on the mainland months afterwards. It was determined later that one of the buried sheep carcasses had become unearthed due to a major storm and washed ashore. Other tests continued until 1943 when the risk of infecting nearby populations became too great and the island was quarantined from all boat and plane traffic.[9] Because of the widespread contamination from the anthrax spores, the land remained closed until 1990.[10]
Operation Vegetarian was ready for deployment by spring of 1944 and plans were drafted for the cakes to be dropped in the summer when German cattle would be grazing openly in the fields. In order to entice the cattle into eating the linseed cakes, they needed to be dropped after the spring grass had been consumed and the amount of food left was limited. The raid and airdrops needed to be done in a single action and as quickly as possible to prevent the German military discovering what was being dropped. Fildes estimated that a flight path through Oldenburg and Hanover could be achieved in 18 minutes and cover 60 miles of cattle grazing land. But by the time the summer arrived, the Normandy Invasion had occurred and Allied troops were advancing across northern Europe, causing Operation Vegetarian to be abandoned.[4]"
I accidentally turned mine into a sub:
That’s what you think. That’s why they bought the chandelier
Their eye doctor’s office is called “See Sharp.”