zeus ⁧ ⁧ ∽↯∼

Il faut imaginer Camus hébété.


  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • It’s a grand idea to make an index, not only for better exposure, but I bet it also makes it easier for FNIC communities to handle potential problems in unity - if they want to.

    yeah, there is also a matrix space where i’m doing anything i can democratically as well

    I apologize for making assumptions. It is most definitely a good idea to not have the whole of Lemmies Imaginary communities depend on a single persons whims

    don’t apologise! (i did steal their naming convention as well)

    Though I’ve personally never had any beef with INE, we often see how bad such communities can end up.

    neither did i; but better safe than sorry and all that (also i just made [email protected] because nobody else would, and it’s just sort of snowballed from there - i didn’t know if people would have beef with me, so i don’t want to dictate what happens everywhere)

  • personally i think that’s not a great answer

    So, there is a mixed bag of thought on this that I read up on before creating the domain, but tl;dr - .zip is a valid TLD and will be recognised by all browsers etc as such. There are lots of new TLDs being created and they’ll be in the same boat.

    yes, it is. .scr is also a valid executable that windows pcs will run, but i wouldn’t go about distributing programmes as such

    .zip domains also come with higher levels of mandatory security and require an SSL certificate to display a webpage, which is another layer of security.

    almost all websites do that now, but man-in-the-middle attacks aren’t really the issue with .zip domains

    On the flip side, yes someone will probably try to fake a zip file with it and send the link around, but (and people are free to disagree with me here!) this is basic Internet security and you shouldn’t be clicking links to places you weren’t expecting.

    this issue isn’t clicking links to places you weren’t expecting, but clicking a link to a place you were expecting. if i send you an email saying “i sent you the invoice.zip you asked me to”; then you’d be expecting that link to open the invoice zip file

    especially on lemmy, as links often follow the format “https:⧸⧸domain.com⧸c⧸topic@differentdomain.com

    Federation won’t be affected by anything and we’d need to be manually defederated like normal.

    this is true (although anyone that has ||.zip^ blocked won’t see images hosted on lemmy.zip)

    People/companies may decide to block .zip domains but that is a knee-jerk reaction.

    i think it’s a necessary reaction. i’ve blocked .zip on both my parents’ computers (and my own, but i at least know how to disable it for specific sites). now admittedly they’re unlikely to be using lemmy[1], but you get the picture

    Bad actors will exist (and have existed before)

    yes. but giving them more attack vectors isn’t the best idea

    and with the way TLDs are heading before long you’ll probably be able to generate anything as a TLD, after all they’re just name friendly pointers to an IP address.

    this may be true, but A) we’re not there yet, and B) that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing

    In summary, it’s not caused us any issues yet, I dont forsee it causing us any issues, but if it did, then we’ll cross that bridge when we get there!

    this is not the best attitude, as (as @quortez says), lemmy doesn’t currently allow migration or re-federation

    (sorry it’s long, but i might link to this in future so i wanted it somewhat comprehensive)

    1. although i have just set up a lemmy acct. for someone a similar age, and only slightly more tech-savvy ↩︎

  • Then I will include them on my watchlist and will try to post at least from time to time.

    thank you, i do appreciate it

    As I said in other comments, thanks to all of you who create and moderate communities. For now, I’m just trying to generate content, which I know is the easier part.

    well i haven’t actually had to do much moderating yet — i’ve mostly been balancing seeding some content without spamming the local feed; as well as discussing them on matrix, and sometimes promoting them on threads like this when i remember

  • Note that I said: “you look a bit more organized than small subs”, and that’s not a very high bar, hehe :P.

    oi! and i thought you were nice

    More seriously, I thought you were related to reddit’s Imaginary Network, which is huge and with some big power-users.

    nope, not at all. they’re just the only subs i still follow by rss, and no-one else was making them here so i took up that mantle. and now i have 7 imaginary communities… and there are at least 2 more that i want to exist, so i’m hoping someone makes them soon

  • You’re using an analogy as the basis for an argument. That’s not what analogies are for. Analogies are useful explanatory tools, but only within a limited domain

    actually that’s exactly what i was using it for.

    Kicking a baby is not the same[1] as creating an artwork, so there are areas in which they don’t map to each other.

    if you read carefully, you’ll see that writing is analogous to creating an artwork, and kicking a baby is analogous to doing something that someone has asked you not to, and you’re continuing anyways. if you read even more carefully, you’ll see that i implied i wasn’t making a moral comment on ai, piracy, or even kicking babies

    You can’t dodge flaws in your argument by adding a “don’t respond unless you agree with me” clause on your comment.

    i didn’t intend to. i did it so i wouldn’t have to waste my time arguing with those who don’t understand analogies. however i seem to be doing that anyways, so if you’ll excuse me, i’m going to stop

    edit: okay, i’ve been reading the rest of this thread, and you clearly don’t understand analogy. i have no idea why you clicked on my comment

    1. yes. analogous doesn’t mean “the same”. it means "able to draw demonstrative parallels between ↩︎

  • Are you really surprised I’m replying to you when you keep replying?

    well yes, actually. i have time to sit down over breakfast, read a few articles, maybe reply to a few comments

    you clearly live such a busy lifestyle you haven’t time to read an article before making an asinine comment

    And yes, you are merely confirming my point. There is no use for me personally. I would only have to use it and endure slower internet so that others benefit. Still doesn’t change the fact that for me personally there is no advantage. You can argue all you want but that’s what it comes down to for most people.

    well that’s a pretty fuckin stupid viewpoint in my opinion. “i’m not going to help protect the careers and possibly lives of people in authoritarian countries, because i’d have to install a programme and possibly even launch it a couple of times per month”. running folding@home did me no advantage, i still did it.

    And if you keep replying I’ll keep replying. No need to be surprised about that.

    don’t worry, i won’t be. i was being flippant because i thought you an idiot, but it turns out you’re willfully ignorant.