A bro-job, for good measure
I think you’re onto something
I couldn’t not do that as well, which implies that to get that stinking rich and stay that way you must be some degree of sociopath
I just smack the whole can on the counter. The lid onto the counter edge, to be clear. Seems to work consistently, and lots of room to apply more force if needed
You’re forklift certified?? I bow to you
Insert xkcd about 15th format
What about when a security vulnerability is discovered and your car can be started and unlocked by someone else? That’s one of my concerns with smart features from companies that aren’t primarily tech companies
Inflation, yes, but you’re missing the spirit of the complaint.
Damn there’s so much to agree with. The way you’ve found a common thread in all this, it puts into words many criticisms I’ve started to foster. growing up in capitalism with such a far reach (into our private lives) and high speed is absolutely leaving it’s mark on the culture.
Those resignations are layoffs without having to call them that, there’s no downside for the company