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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Hi there. I did some reading on the deal and I’m not very happy they’re rolling out this package, I was hoping they would be more firm. However it looks like, should this deal go through, the equipment won’t be delivered for at least 2-3 years according to the AP. In that regard I do feel hopeful that Israel won’t be able to use these items against the people of Gaza, provided they can come to some sort of ceasefire.

    If we’re still examining this in the context of the election, I don’t believe this is enough cause for me to vote for Trump or another party. The Republicans want to nuke Gaza, so my perspective is that we have to do what we can to ensure the least harm possible comes to civilians, which means preventing them from leading our government. I don’t see another candidate who will be both able to defeat Trump and to single-handedly shift the US foreign policy apparatus, but I am all ears if that person does exist and I’ve just missed them somehow.

  • That is very clearly not all he has to say, he has just now interrupted a 50-year supply of military arms to an ally, for the first time ever as far as I am aware. They’re building a literal seaport for aid delivery. The president often can’t unilaterally make decisions, much of the funding especially for Israel is packaged into bills made by Congress, that are usually a small part of a larger budget.

    The protests are working, as intended. The government is changing their tune, as intended. Maybe I am awake, maybe you’re the one who’s asleep. Maybe not. In my eyes though this is how democracy has always worked. You argue until the other side is convinced, which we are in the middle of doing and succeeding at.

    You equated Biden and Trump. We have their two presidencies to refer to now, we don’t have to guess, and they look and sound a lot different on Israel to me. We’ll see what Biden does if they invade Rafah.

  • The other commenter didn’t say that, but also, shouldn’t we be pleased that a politician, the literal President of the United States, is buckling to public pressure here? Isn’t that the whole point of democracy is that they are supposed to represent the will of the people? That he is doing this in spite of his own personal interest is pretty amazing and stark compared to Trump.

    I think we should take wins like this seriously, the system is working as it should for a brief moment here. Progress takes time, let’s celebrate how quickly an 81 year old man is changing course on something lol

  • You’re claiming it’s bad. If you don’t understand that you need evidence to back up a claim, it will be impossible to argue your point. You’re free to continue shouting into the void if you want, but until you take this at least as seriously as I do (not very I may say, my research was very brief) you’re going to continue getting downvotes. I’m just telling you why here. You sound like a crazy person to the average lurker.

    They did in fact prove that fluoride stops dental decay. Now it’s your turn to prove that there’s a negative side effect that outweighs the positive.

  • I was curious, so I did the research you asked us to do. My best understanding after about 30 minutes is that historically, experiments examining fluoride neurotoxicity involve fluoride levels far exceeding the regular consumption of North America and elsewhere as provided in the water supply, so it’s hard to get an understanding of the possible health effects.

    There are more recent studies regarding this, however, that do indicate some level of toxicity to the brain in lower doses. Again though the data seems to conflict at times and requires more study. Here’s a nice link for more reading.

    You came in here making conspiratorial accusations about the government and invoked some aetheric “what about the animals” nonsense and provided no material to support your position so idk why you’re confused about how you’re being received here. Fluoride is indeed helpful in preventing tooth decay, so you’re gonna have to do some more work than the tired old “Do your own research.”