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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • You were asking for suggestions of activities to spend your “free” time on, and then dismissed suggestions because they don’t pay.
    You also dismissed some other great suggestion completely, like programming and making art, drawing, composting etc.
    Assuming your game interests aren’t strictly limited to Call of Duty and FIFA, you might be interested in making games and game related art, like pixel art, 3D models, chiptune music, etc. There’s tons of free tools for creating those and practically unlimited resources to learn from.

  • Yes to validate the winnings of territorial dispute for the side who has the most economically powerful friends.

    Sure, if you completely disregard the international law, then yes, I concede that I’m wrong.
    But by that logic, what Russia is doing is ok. Who cares if the laws says that territory is Ukraine’s, there are Russians in there. Let them keep it.

    And since my whole argument is based on respecting international law, I have nothing else to say. Especially since you managed to settle this decades long dispute so easily. Armenians good, Azerbaijanis bad. That will surely solve everything.


    You mean when they migrate more Azerbaijan citizens to the area to make a pretense for territorial disputes in the first place…? Kinda sounds exactly like what Russia was doing in the first place.

    How devious of the Albanians and Turks to start moving there 1000s of years in advance to later “denazify” the area.

  • As an “azeri”, I agree, the situation is a shitshow. Both nations lived together in many of these territories and you can’t just draw a line to separate them. I don’t know what a practical solution to this issue would be. Currently, the nations dislike each other, to put it mildly. But I have to say that since Azerbaijan recaptured their internationally recognized territories, there at least has been a ray of hope, because the leaders actually starting talking to try to solve things. There was 0 progress for almost 30 years and suddenly, there is some (no way you would see Pshinyan and Aliyev smiling on the same photo before then). As soon as the primary instigator (Russia) got busy enough, there’s progress started.
    And while Azerbaijan is obviously not completely in the right here, considering the treatment of the prisoners and such, the western support for Armenia is mostly due to political reasons and not because Azerbaijan’s actions to reclaim their internationally recognized territories are inherently wrong. France and USA both have a lot of Armenian voters which influence their decisions, so the situation is rather skewed in the media. They bark to get the votes, but do nothing, because they want the oil/gas, and cause the territories are legally Azerbaijan.
    Both parties are historically at fault and it was beneficial to keep them fighting.