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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeah, I don’t support most of the crackdowns on the protests, but it’s silly to think that people are suddenly fascist for wanting state power to crack down on what they BELIEVE is antisemitism. If I believed that the protesters were doing it more out of weird racist shit than concern for Palestinians, I would want them out too. ESPECIALLY now.

    And before you say “well they should know better!” I mean sure, but not everyone has the luxury of spending tons of time analyzing every single piece of news, looking into multiple sources, reading the history of a middle east region the size of New Jersey, etc, etc. What makes it even harder is that Israel and Palestine are ultimately foreign countries, no matter how much of an alliance the U.S has with Isreal, it’s still a country in the middle East.

    Then there is the nuance, Hamas are still terrorists and Netanyahu even supported them until October 7th, Israelies were trying to actively get red of the guy until the 7th, the country was set up by the British have both sides fight and hate eachother forever, real antisemitism is rising all over the world and fascists are trying to take advantage of that and connect it to Israel-Palestine. Then Add media bias and how even video footage can be fake with AI and you have a basically completely out of control situation.

  • One thing I found really interesting and was talking about with someone recently about the Isreal-Palestine situation currently is that unlike with Apartheid South Africa people have a MUCH harder time boycotting corporations involved with Israel than they did during Apartheid, with Globalism many things (such as soap in the US) are basically owned by a few companies operating under multiple labels, so it’s extremely hard to tell if a product is linked to a Zionist company compared to the Apartheid protests where things were both more clearly labeled and also less monopolized.
    An example is: I’m pro-Ukraine. All my go-to soap brands are owned by Unilever, who are still active in Russia. I’m too poor to get handmade soaps from the farmers market, and I need to go scentless because of allergies and convenient because I can’t just spend all my time looking for guilt-free soap.
    So, in regards to Isreal. who does that leave for people to boycott? The US Government, which although tax evasion is a very harshly punished thing, is much more directly and obviously linked to Zionism.

  • Yeah I’ve done a tiny bit of AI stuff for what I do (biology) and I think it’s very sus they can build such a strong model out of data which costs lots of money. The reason the algos in my field of biology are so strong is because the NCBI has the genomes of everything that’s be sequenced FOR FREE, because obviously you don’t want people patenting genomes and it should all be free for science, etc.

    Which begs the question how the a start up that started out as a non-profit get that much user data and keep costs low? I know you can buy user data and I’m not sure how much it is to buy a bunch of google docs from a data broker, but if you buy from hackers who just data breached or used some illegal crawler you can probably cut that to prices a nonprofit could afford.

  • I’ve been an MMO gamer for a VERY long time and I would say the whaling thing is a perfect analogy. I often pre-order expansions to MMOs like WoW and FFXIV but I have never bought cosmetics other than two race changes for FF, which would make me a “dolphin”.

    I noticed in WoW and FFXIV that if someone has one mount you can only get from the cash shop, they are VERY likely to have bought TONS of other cosmetics from the cash shop. If they don’t have any cash shop mounts, they won’t have any cosmetics from it either. It seems like most people are either “all in” or nothing, people like me are very rare.

  • They’d just hit the ice wall, idiot. And if they made it through that they would hit the ocean of the second flat world beyond our own. If they got through that they would hit either the scorched wastes, the frozen wastes, the abyssal ocean, or the walls of asgard…
    Seriously, do you even do your own research?