I just shreked my opensuse
I just shreked my opensuse
You can write code blocks with a special syntax that makes silverbullet interpret the code block as a script and executes it. It’s referred to as space script in the documentation iirc. You can add commands, text transformers, etc with ease.
The live query templating system is super neat too, I have a few subsections in my notes with an index page that automatically lists all child pages with a summary of the page, if I’ve written one for that page.
+1 to silverbullet. Been using it for a long portion of its lifetime, I love that you can adjust it and add functionality by writing pages in the editor
Minecraft’s been around since 2009, classicube is specifically based on the classic version from ~2010
Classicube doesn’t redistribute any mojang-owned assets, it can download them from mojang’s public CDN on startup if no textures are found though.
The web version and itch.io release both include assets made specifically for redistribution with cc
Classicube is sweet. Available on every 3d console under the sun, and every major os since dos.
Using something other than windows as your primary OS, and interfacing with windows through a virtual machine where necessary.
Not really a real solution, though, but some folks make it work pretty well.
Likes/upvotes are “Yeah!”s and there are miis associated with each post
My point was that it’s one of a very short list of free top-level domains, and was likely chosen because it was free and didn’t have the same reputation that, say, .tk had.
I doubt that was literally their intent, it’s just a free TLD
Probably “shiny gold”- it was super impressive for the time period but was never finished officially and didn’t age super well.
Lowe’s uses a customized Linux distro for their department terminal computers. Most of what you do is in browser or terminal applications, if genesis is still in use.
Because Microsoft isn’t responsible for every program that runs on their OS.
CrowdStrike is an EDR that enterprises choose to install. The bug was caused by a dodgy content bundle update, which is something that’s meant to be 100% safe but evidently they found and triggered a bug.
Thanks for posting this for awareness! I love this theme now
Hell yes I’m so excited for graphics
But, eventually exploitable is still a pretty major concern for anybody who has systems running longer than a few days at a time.
They were higher quality back in the n64/gamecube days
Satellite sos was only available on 14 or newer on release, which is even less support for the prior gen than apples intelligence features (which at least supports the pro lineup from the prior gen, as well as every apple silicon Mac released)
I think where valve went wrong was not requiring specific minimum specs. It led to a very inconsistent and hard to support platform.
Steam deck leading to a standard “steam device” hardware platform with consistent OS and hardware is my dream, but I know their goal thus far has been to refine steamos and release it for OEMs to use on their devices.
I plan on not celebrating my birthday and only bring it up if conversation happens to lead there, or if somebody asks. Usually somebody remembers and offers a dinner or to hang out. Not a fan of big parties! Too much hubbub.