• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • No it doesn’t. Here, let me demonstrate:

    I’m accusing you of showing up to my house and kissing my dog (the gay one, not the straight one.)

    There. Is that the truth? According to you it must be, because

    Accusation = truth

    So because it’s true, I demand you restore my dog’s honor by gay marrying him.

    And that’s literally how it works in the US. You can make any allegation you want when filing a civil suit and a judge must decide the validity of your claims. Teixiera has given his side of the story when he filed suit; that’s all we can say for certain at this point. He could be 100% right, he could be bending the truth a little bit, or he could be completely lying about the whole thing- we don’t currently have any more information than that.

  • Any decent lawyer will tell you to shut the fuck up once you’ve filed a suit, so as I see it there are three possible scenarios here:

    1. He’s too stupid to listen to his lawyers.
    2. His lawyers are too stupid to advise him to shut up.
    3. They’re trying a public pressure campaign against Mozilla to get Mozilla to capitulate before their case goes too far. They’re hoping that the headlines of “Mozilla hates cancer patients!” will cause enough bad press that Mozilla will want to get the case over with quicker by settling sooner, especially if Teixiera doesn’t have a very strong case.

  • Yeah, I’m gonna wait a bit before bringing out the pitchforks.

    A plaintiff in a civil suit can allege anything they want, but that doesn’t mean they’re being 100% truthful. Any lawyer will slant the facts as much as possible to make their client look as injured as they can to garner the most sympathy- that’s just lawyering 101. We have his version of events but don’t have Mozilla’s, but the fact that he’s publicly shit-talking the company (rather than let the legal process play out) doesn’t cast him in a good light IMO.

  • So Republicans don’t move leftward… and that’s the Dems’ fault? Jesus Christ, you’re so willing to create apathy and division on the left/center-left axis that you’ll ignore the prime cause staring you in the face:

    The GOP could move back towards the center, they choose not to.

    It is not the Dems’ fault Republicans have no desire or intention to stop their full-on fascism train.

    And before you “B-b-b-b-but the Dems!” yes, it’s bad for them to move rightward too. But chasing the rightward movement, and causing the rightward movement, are obviously differing degrees of bad.