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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • That is a perfect summary! I do not trust the general public with neo-nazi propaganda, and have no qualms with banning it. Time has proven that dumb people are going to read it and drag down the rest of us. Nobody should be arguing with them at this point in history. The 1990’s and 2000’s were proving grounds for free speech absolutism for dumbasses, and it has failed miserably with the far-right power grabs that have been happening since. I want a better society, not a perfect one.

  • Not sure how to react to a neo-nazi book club at the local high school doing membership drives though. There are always going to be people, regardless of society’s guidance and teachings, who are extra susceptible to that kind of shit.

    I think free speech absolutism leads to tolerating the intolerant, which just doesn’t work when you are dealing with imperfect primate neurological evolution. People experience the uncaring universe, and our brains struggle to identify the complex and nuanced systems at the root of strife, causing them to look for simpler answers (Jewish space lasers vs. incomprehensible market interactions that over-exploit delicate ecosystems causing droughts). Our brains are set up to tackle problems at smaller scales, and what better way than scapegoating can you reduce a root cause to be more manageable? Mental gymnastics only have to be done once.

    You can educate most people to equip them to defeat neo-nazi rhetoric logically, but humans cannot be programmed with the right answers and society will always produce some fuck-ups. Is it easier to prevent a new member of a hate group by banning their ideas, or let them ruin an innocent life and attempt to rehab them after?

  • Infrastructure needs depend on how the car is used. I have a basic level 1 charger (120v/15a household outlet) and so far have used public chargers zero times. There has only been one time where I didn’t have enough charge for back to back trips to the next major city over, and had to rely on our second (ICE) car. Could have been avoided with a better charger. I have been hitting ~700 miles per month. One thing to keep in mind is that you just need enough charge to get to your destination and back. Going to the gas station is a big hassle so you are used to always filling up from empty. With the EV, my house is my refill station, so I just connect the cord every time I park. Even after a long trip where the car is near empty, charging slowly for 2 hours is enough for a quick errand. I’ll admit that I would have some charging anxiety if I only had the EV with no backup, but practically speaking it just doesn’t become an issue. Just keep enough charge to make it to the nearest hospital, and get a level 2 charger (240v/>=32amp) for almost 4x the charging rate.

  • Over 95% of the world’s hydrogen is produced using the steam methane reforming process (SMR). In this reaction, natural gas is reacted with steam at an elevated temperature to produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen. A subsequent reaction — the water gas shift reaction — then reacts additional steam with the carbon monoxide to produce additional hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

    Natural gas is a fossil fuel and non-renewable resource that is formed when layers of organic matter (primarily marine microorganisms) decompose under anaerobic conditions and are subjected to intense heat and pressure underground over millions of years.

  • I already suggested this in another comment, but you can easily apply a thought experiment here. Magically replace all white people with black people with the same upbringing: does crime go up, down, or basically stay the same? Magically replace all pitbulls with chihuahuas with the same upbringing: do maulings go up, down, or basically stay the same?

    Couldn’t tell the cops if the mugger was white or black? Pretty understandable. Couldn’t tell the cops if the dog that bit you was a chihuahua or a pitbull? Really?

    Any “big dog with a blocky head” should be banned from breeding or sale, and nobody who agrees with that statement cares about DNA. It is a matter of public safety and it doesn’t matter that humans are the real problem, because humans are notoriously hard to control. The pitbulls and similar breeds we have today deserve all the love and comfort we can give them now, but they shouldn’t be bred into the future because there is no legitimate reason to own one except for its potential for violence and flatulence-scapegoating.