Does Musk’s t-shirt have a nipple hole? …wtf
Does Musk’s t-shirt have a nipple hole? …wtf
If I had the money I’d want to try staffing it with cult deprogramming specialists. It would be an interesting experiment to track.
Honestly I assumed they were pushing this simply to drag out the proceedings. That would force the widower into a position where they couldn’t afford to continue, ensuring they would take whatever NDA Disney offered for whatever amount.
They fear becoming a minority.
clutches pearls Goodness gracious, someone might treat them like they treat minorities!
That is literally what the white “christians” have been stressing about here. As a minority mutt that “passes”, maybe try being less of an asshole?
I miss when they had good hardware for a reasonable price. Some of my cheap original Logitech laser mice are still going, almost 2 decades later. Obviously not super heavy use as the switches have not worn out, but they’ve been shifted about the house as other mice break. So certainly not 0 use either.
The tasks have been things like our old media centre mouse died, the old Logi mouse “temporarily” replaced it until we replaced the media centre. It’s not been unused any longer than a few months at a time.
We tried buying some recently but the new ones are all optical so they had shit performance and died after maybe 3 months of light use.
All I can think of is #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin. Still impressed someone created a site to coordinate all of it arriving together.
Thanks! Did not know about the Nestle connection. We stopped going to Starbucks when it moved to a fast food type experience vs the cafe feel it had at launch here.
Will be verifying they moved the hell away from Nestle before we consider returning.
Polygamy house?
< Sees family pictures >
Oh yeah polygamy house.
Declaring it a “very brutal way” for his wife to find out, he believes that there could’ve been a chance of the marriage continuing had he been able to “talk to her rationally.”
I’m not sure if he means he could continue his behaviour without being caught or if he planned on lying and saying it was a one time thing. Either way I highly doubt he had any plans to be honest.
The “talk to her rationally” bit is hilarious. Yes I’ve been expensively unfaithful, have possibly been exposing you to a number of diseases without your knowledge, and have been physically unavailable regularly for years. What self respecting person wouldn’t “rationally” see that as perfectly acceptable! /s
Also vitamin K. Had low vit D blood work and doc upped vit D intake until we started to see side effects, still low on blood work. Added vit K, halved vit D intake and blood work is good now.
Not my oh shit moment but certainly someone’s. Working in a call centre they sent out an example of a fraud email that was being sent out with our logo. It asked for all your personal information and credit card information.
Several individuals replied with all their details filled in. 3 of them replied all (entire call centre) with their details filled in.
😂 thanks for clarifying. I was staring at it and all I could think of was the South Park Comcast episode.