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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • We’ve driven that route for 5 years now, and I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a charging station. I’m sure there is one, somewhere, but that’s not something I want to try and yolo my way through.

    I’m a big fan of the Ioniq5, and if Hyundai weren’t having so many issues with their business lately, that’d be my first choice. We’re keeping our current vehicle when it’s time for a new one, so we can use that for trips. What I need more than anything is something dependable and reasonable (features and price) for my wife to take to work every day.

    Personally, I think a PHEV is a better option for that because she can use gas if absolutely necessary, and if everything goes as planned, she can use the electric for all of her daily driving. The reliability of predicability is what I’m hauling a gasoline engine around for. If I’m spending $40-50k on a vehicle, I want to know that it’s going to last for 8-10 years, that the company isn’t going to randomly brick a feature because they feel like it today, and that the company I’m giving money to has engineered the best product they can.

  • We all know this. We are all powerless to change it. Corporations and governments control whether or not it can be changed. Politicians worldwide are being fed by the pollution industry. The poors voting changes nothing until the corporations and politicians decide to do something about it.

    Walkable cities? Great idea. Needs politicians to approve zoning restrictions. Don’t drive cars? Great idea. Needs politicians to build public transportation infrastructure. Electric cars? Great idea. Needs corporations to produce them at an affordable cost. Etc etc etc.

    There will never be a day when 10 billion people in the world get on the same page to demand the end of anything. We can’t even get a tenth of that many to agree to stop killing each other over border squabbles.

  • This is correct. This article is reddit-approved propaganda. People were not shown nsfw content without their consent until reddit admins removed the subs’ nsfw status and set them back to sfw. This article also doesn’t account for the fact that subs’ own users voted to change the content of the subs, and then reddit claimed that subs must remain open and available to the users who have formed communities on them. The communities decided they wanted a different type of community, and reddit said no.

    I wish people would stop working for free for this multi-billion dollar corporation so they’d actually have to pay for moderation and not get to profit off of the free labor of its users.

  • Freedoms were not limited. Any user can still go apply for a beehaw account if they want one. Any beehaw user can open an account on any other instance they want. People can still talk, people can still be heard.

    No one is entitled to force others to listen to what they say. Beehaw’s owner pays for their server. It’s their own private instance. They can determine the rules that accounts that use or federate with their instance have to follow, and everyone has the freedom to associate with beehaw if they want.

    Finally, beehaw isn’t a government, taking an action to limit the freedoms of their citizens. In most modern, western societies, that is between governments and their people. In nearly every similar structure, those people do not have the same “rights” in regards to private businesses or private organizations.

    Don’t believe me? Go into a grocery store and start screaming obscenities at fellow customers and see how long it takes you to be forcibly removed and banned from the premises. And that won’t be your freedoms being limited, either. It will be that private business deciding that you’re not allowed to associate with them any longer.

    This is no different. The people who run beehaw can choose how to run their space. It’s their money they pay for the service with. We don’t get to tell them how to spend it. Their users and donors have a say in it, and if their users and donors don’t like how the operators respond to their expectations, then they won’t have users and donors. That’s for them to decide.

    People act like they’re entitled to an audience with beehaw users, and they simply aren’t. It’s that easy. You can’t just go into your neighbor’s house and demand they listen to what you have to say. They can, and will, boot your ass to the curb, or worse, as soon as they’re tired of listening. I’m not sure why this is so hard for some people to understand.