Love this. I haven’t written any R code in years, but I do miss the simple and intuitive syntax of dplyr and the rest of the tidyverse. PRQL looks like it is built on the same philosophy. Can’t wait for it to get fully integrated into dbt.
Love this. I haven’t written any R code in years, but I do miss the simple and intuitive syntax of dplyr and the rest of the tidyverse. PRQL looks like it is built on the same philosophy. Can’t wait for it to get fully integrated into dbt.
This is what I am hoping will happen. With the current reddit structure, for each topic, you have multiple communities -
/r/gaming is garbage, /r/games is for discussion. /r/StardustCrusaders is a fan-art dump, /r/Shitpostcrusaders is a meme juggernaut The mods of the Game of Thrones subreddit wouldn’t allow people to shit on the show, so /r/freefolk was formed, and that also served as a template for stuff like /r/titanfolk.
Anything that gains critical mass will break down into multiple sub communities. It’s inevitable.
I have a very similar setup, but I recently switched to using CasaOS on top of the DietPi. It comes with docker compose presets for all the arr apps, and also creates a homescreen with icons for all apps. I was doing this using a bunch of different services before, but CasaOS bundles it all together.