We gotta joke about things sometimes, or we’ll roll over and give up in despair.
We gotta joke about things sometimes, or we’ll roll over and give up in despair.
Or, this is an attempt to reduce the number of cogs that can/will freeze if asked to do immoral things. Like, the higher the number of people who are running the military, the more people there are that can stop you from the inside if your orders are Nazi-ish.
We know at this point that the real motivation for these firings is not to save money. It’s to reduce friction as he becomes a dictator. The more gears the government has turning, the more spots there are that can jam up the system in protest. That’s my theory, anyway. I’m sure there are additional reasons.
Protest without the ultimate threat of force behind it is a parade.
I’ve never heard it worded this way, before, but it sums up something that has been bothering me about modern protests: they are parades.
Okay, so how do we stop him?
An oversimplified “just do [blank] to satisfy my illogical demands or else you’re a Nazi sympathizer and deserve to have your property vandalized” isn’t practical.
This right here. I agree that such people advocating these positions must be bad actors, but in case there are real people who think they alone hold the moral bar that everyone must clear: “Go fuck yourself.” Everyone has to start somewhere, and alienating those that are still learning is not helping.
Oh, I know. It’s utterly horrifying.
Even with the /s, did you feel the need to shower after making that comment? Because god that’s awful.
True, but I worry that only very left individuals are really talking about this probability. In the big picture, centrists and right wingers don’t believe it will happen. Mother Jones is left, but it’s also a large media company. If we can get more media companies to report on what we think is obvious, it will force the centrists and “I don’t do politics” people to hear it. I hope this article is the start of the discussion in the media, which will take time to happen, unfortunately.
that introduced many teens to fast fashion.
Sounds to me like the company is getting what they deserve.
Is there no such thing as market competition anymore??? This is so frustrating!
That’s too terrifying to be funny.
As someone who works in higher ed, this is terrifying.
I want off this ride.
That’s exactly what we need to take from this. Not that money is in control and that’s why they’re cracking down, but that they’re cracking down because they’re scared.
Young millennial, actually.
It’s my generation’s joke that social security wouldn’t be available for us to retire on, but seeing it actively dismantled fills me with an indescribable rage.
I used the tool where I could import my Reddit subs to find similar communities here, and it surprised me how many communities I was a part of that the Reddit algorithm never let me see posts from. Also, it highlighted how much more infrastructure there is to build here. It’s exciting! Like the creative energy of expanding the Wild West but without the decimation of entire indigenous communities and the murder of innocent people and animal species.
I’ve basically abandoned Reddit as well. I’ve been on for so long, but this bullshit makes me feel unsafe. If the platform is going to so blatantly side with those who would happily let me die for a few dollars (health insurance companies), then I don’t need to give them my attention or data anymore.
That statute is bullshit! Just because a corporation has some federal contacts doesn’t mean they need or deserve extra federal protection.