That was a very diplomatic response to some stupid asshole like this.
That was a very diplomatic response to some stupid asshole like this.
Bro literally said,that they don’t care about anything but profits and are willing to kill people for this.
Idk, but I don’t really see that Instagram is dying.
What are the good alternatives? Usually all porn sites I’ve came across suck. Their Interface looks like shit and the content is mid at best.
Didnt knew Arduino is a programming language now.
Ah thanks, didnt knew that.
Some churches repurpose their land to survive, like Atlanta’s First United Methodist Church, which is building affordable housing.
That’s something more churches should do. They always preach about “helping the poor” but most don’t give a fuck.
The other thing is, using it day in and day out, from sunrise til sunset or even later, will probably wreak havoc on the battery health. I know EVs in general suffer from this, too, but I feel like it’s even worse for farming equipment, because you know they’ll get a let of extreme use, whereas a lot of people with EVs might only use it for a commute into the city, or a trip to the shops
That’s certainly a problem I didnt thought about. Driving farming away from being forced to use fossil fuels devinetively is one hell of a challenge and I still have zero Idea on how to achieve this in some practical way.
Also I can only agree with you. Where I live the attitude that you should use something as long as it runs devinetively applies.
Because theres nothing left to bomb? Trump will not stop Netanyahu, he will encourage him.
Apple is absolutely overpriced dogshit. There is no legtimitation for the prices they charge. However, Apple has two advantages(as far from what I heard from a lot of others). Its brain dead easy and works. Every Idiot is capable of using apple and won’t have that much problems with it. Apple is the right thing for the digital toddlers that want to have it easy. The Ecosystem is great as long as you don’t want to break out of it.
I personally would never buy Apple since I like a certain form of complexity and don’t want a completely locked down system. However, if you only care about something where you don’t have to think and that just works, Apple is The right thing for you.
This is absolutely true,however the EU has proven to be not someone you mess with. Apple has already tried shenanigans to stop side loading and got beaten by the EU to comply with the rules.
That’s true, but if the EU could force every phone maker to make the battery replaceable by the customer this would be a huuuuuuge step in the right direction and reduce electronic waste.
That is something that I wish would come true. This would also open EVs to the industry in some new ways. Currently it kinda sucks if you have machines that have to be able to run the whole day without big interruptions. When you’re able to just swap the batteries in like 5 Minutes this machines don’t have to rely on fossil fuels that much and are open to be replaced by electric ones.
What I’m thinking about are machines like tractors for farming. During the summer it happens that they are running for 8+ hours without interruptions. Building a battery this big will be quite challengening. However, if you’re able to swap out the batteries after like 2 hours and then continue with work you effectively solved one of the biggest problems with not that much of a hassle.
BTW, the salmon fashion trend is back.
This shit literally makes me sick. How can people be so disgusting assholes.
OK, actually this quite fits the definition of terrorism by the FBI:
Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.
Personally I think that this definition sucks. If I steal an egg to make a statement against capitalism this might as well be considered terrorism. For reference I looked up the German definition of terrorism and I think that this definition is much better(translated with deeply since I’m lazy):
Terrorism is the sustained fight for political goals that are to be achieved with the help of attacks on the life, limb and property of other people, in particular through serious criminal offences such as those listed in Section 129a (1) of the German Criminal Code (StGB) or through other criminal offences that serve to prepare such offences.
The main difference is, that this definition only includes high level crimes and it also states that there has to be an active fight against some form of political system. I wouldn’t be to sure if the murder of the UHC CEO would be considered terrorism under the German definition. The reason I’m not so sure is, because I wouldn’t count one assassination an active prolonged fight(take this with a grain of salt, I’m not a lawyer or have any serious knowledge on the law).
Don’t understand me wrong, I also think that calling this is bullshit, I just want to inform you, that this isn’t anything they made out of thin air.
I would be curious how this affects the suicide statistics.
would be the funnyest thing ever
Fuck this asshole.
That’s not a straight arm salute, its a Hitler Salute. You don’t have to be German to be a fucking Nazi.