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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Riiiight. And, pray tell Adobe, why in the everloving fuck woul you ever need to “review” private content that’s not posted anywhere? Stop acting like you’re the goddamned pre-crime agency from Minority Report and keep your dirty paws off stuff people are creating privately.

    You are providing tools, and that’s it. I can do horrible, illegal shit with my drill, but it doesn’t give Black&Decker any right to break into my house to do random checks and see if I’m drilling through kneecaps instead of wooden planks…

  • EVERYTHING has risks. People have choked to death on food before - that’s not the reason to stop eating. There’s a risk the ceiling is going to fall down on your head at any moment, but then if you go outside, there’s a risk you might get hit by lightning or a bolt that fell off a Boeing flying above…

    That’s not a dig at you by the way - it’s at people who argue in bad faith asking for 100% guarantees of safety, be it for vaccines or anything else. It is not possible, and people need to comprehend it - in this case the risk is on the level of being hit by lighting, so unless you’re afraid of going outside, you shouldnt be afraid of the darn vaccine…