the trade wars over this and the other metals are going to stall technological advancement and; considering ai; i’m not sure that’s entirely a bad thing.
the trade wars over this and the other metals are going to stall technological advancement and; considering ai; i’m not sure that’s entirely a bad thing.
it’s like you’re stuck in a bus full of people who think you’re crazy for not wanting to drive off the cliff with them. lol
Bibi eating shellfish
that’s how i realized that it wasn’t trump’s body. lol
at first, i was boggling at how trump got fit so fast. lol
it was nice to see this and i was glad to see that univision and telemundo didn’t ignore it like the english media ignored the protests at the all the state capitals yesterday.
estoy good ahora, y you? lol
i’m an american; so it’s more accurate to call it spanglish. lol
i was usually the teacher’s pet and they would ask me what you guys said, and i would only tell them the truth if i liked the teacher. lol
yeah, riddled with small pox.
to be fair: they’re not aware that they’re supporting a genocide despite all of the evidence in front of their eyes; like maga.
just like all the native americans who were gently encouraged to abandon their homes and livelihoods to live on reservations…
redditors take advantage of downvotes to suppress and brigade unpopular opinions; if a multi-million dollar organization staffed by government and privateers like reddit is powerless to stop this, there no hope for a group of volunteers on a shoe-string budget to do any better.
i wish it was the other one as well; i’d like to hear his commentary on it.
the narrative during the 2020 election about biden on this issue was that the was the most progressive president we’ve ever had. american voters are proned to against accepting the reality of what you just wrote because of narratives like this and there will be no alternative narrative if we don’t keep reminding each other of this action and its direct impact on this issue.
in your shoes i would use a loop to iterate through journalctl’s up/down sessions getting the first and last lines of each and then use awk to printout the timestamps and sed to add in power state changes.
That would explain the sudden shift of interest to Ukrainian’s mineral deposits and I wonder if Trump will likewise suddenly become more interested in the war.
The damage he allowed to happen doesn’t magically disappear once he left office
a system that comes with either core or libre boot is going to have hardware that’s intended to work with them; also meaning that the open sourced software that controls the power is an exact match, giving an improved life.
it’s not so much that core/libreboot are a determinant factor; but more so an indicator.
they heard you, but they didn’t listen