• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Congrats - Links Awakening is truly a masterpiece and yes, they really worked hard to get a whole Zelda onto the GB.

    I’ve never played a 3D Zelda before so I am looking forward to OoT

    In case you go the emulation route and don’t use the version on Nintendo Switch Online (or a virtual console version on older Nintendo consoles), you should also take a look at Ship Of Harkinian. They decompiled OoT and ported it to run natively on several platforms. In contrast to other versions, you can play it in wide-screen, with unlocked framerate (instead of 14-20fps of the original) and you can also enable several QoL features (everything optional). You only need to provide a ROM file, but in case you plan to go the emulation route, you’d need that anyways…

  • Windows doesn’t have sudo (not yet, at least) and privileges work a bit different as even as an administrator, you may not have full rights.

    To overcome that obstacle, you’d need to run a shell as an administrator (hold CTRL+Shift, then use the start menu entry or right-click it and select run as administrator).

    Next obstacle: We have a separate drive for each partition, but no root folder.

    If we assume we’re running on a laptop or PC with a single drive and a single partition*, then it’s just

    In cmd.exe:

    del /F /S C:\

    In Powershell:

    Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path C:\

    When you want to delete all (mounted) partitions/drives, you need to iterate over them. (Note that’s from the top of my head, didn’t check the script if it works).

    In cmd.exe:

    REM Not gonna do that, I'm no masochist

    In Powershell:

    Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Foreach-Object {
        Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path "$($_.Name):\"

    Done. Mounting additional partitions before that is left as an exercise for the reader.

    *note that even a standard installation of windows creates 3 partitions. One for the bootloader, one for the recovery system and then the system drive. Only the latter is mounted and will be deleted by this. The other two will still be intact.

  • Not quite. If they had overlooked a few accounts, they’d probably not even implemented that function. They’d just said "well, if you forget your password - or need to change it - you need to use the forgot password workflow that sends an email. Everyone without an email Adresse associated with their account would be SOL.

    Since they implemented it, they are aware of such accounts. But since “providing freely any email address for a password reset” makes absolutely no sense, this should only work for this special case - accounts without an associated email address.

    Whether it’s only done for unlocking accounts, whether this would have also worked when clicking on “Forgot Password” or whether this account lock and unlocking workflow might even be intentional to associate an email address to such accounts, is unknown (to me)