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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Did Florida’s law provision for treatment options? If not, then maybe it really isn’t the same “stupid easy-sounding solution”. I think that if you should take some time to read the article and understand the measure that was voted on, before you call the entire population of California as dumb as that of Florida…

    From the article:

    Breed’s office has said the measure was intentionally designed to be flexible on the treatment component. Treatment options could range from out-patient services to a prescription for buprenorphine, a medication used to treat addiction. They noted it doesn’t include a requirement for participants to remain sober, recognizing that people often lapse in recovery and shouldn’t be kicked out of the program for a slip-up.

  • I only mentioned drug lords because, well, theyre just another obstacle between the addicted and the thing they’re addicted to. May as well remove it, and give them a guaranteed quality product. I’d be 100% on board for treating their chronic pain issues. Nobody should have to live with that and I agree, it’s a factor that could lead to them returning to using again.

    I just wonder though, what happens if they want more than you can give them? How do you wean them off? Is the goal to even wean them off? What stops them from just going somewhere else and buying more than what you give them?