We did pay for it.
We’re still giving Elon $80 million a day.
We did pay for it.
We’re still giving Elon $80 million a day.
Just a reminder than the dnc knew Bernie was a stronger option than Hillary but gave her the nomination instead. The dnc only cares about your money, not your opinion.
The Dems have been letting Republicans do this shit because it worked to get them elected for years. “Oh look they did something bad, you have to elect me to fix this!” But they don’t fix shit anyways. If they don’t shut down the government, we need a new liberal party.
The market demands results, all hail capitalism. It’s only burned the house down twice.
You can copy and paste values to another workbook and sort but it’ll kill almost all the useful information. We’ve got these massive docs that reference numerous tabs and populate parent+children lines. It’s an absolute mess and takes 6 months of training, I look at it as job security lol
Lol my company has a “no sort” policy. Many key docs just self destruct if you sort.
Yup, if someone could make a bot that changes every comment I’ve ever made into promotion of violence I’d run it. Fuck them stooges.
I get what you’re saying but agree with the other guy. Just saying brother’s ink or toner is first party instantly makes it sound like other brands are inferior. Just because you’re intelligent enough to know that’s not true doesn’t mean everyone is. If recent history has taught me anything, it’s that the average person is far less intelligent than you’d assume.
Back before everyone had maps on their phone, printing MapQuest maps was fantastic. This was the early 00’s though and we all had money to burn still.
Instructions weren’t very clear, now my house is burning down. Is there a good way to vent the smoke next time?
It’s been theorized that Amazon is progressively making all Alexa devices worse so they can sell you on a subscription based AI version.