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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • just that Alec should be held responsible for his role

    Which is fine, but you’ve misattributed what the part he played that makes him guilty is. Had it been any other actor they’d not be guilty, as has already been explained actors cannot reasonably be expected to know they’ve been handed an unsafe weapon by the armorer.

    Baldwin was a producer and directly involved in the hiring process of those on the crew. He hired an incompetent armorer AS WELL as misbehaved on set as a producer leading to an unsafe work environment. Baldwin is guilty no matter who pulled that trigger.

  • her in a pose with tongue out

    Yeah, so you can see the logos forming the pattern of the face buttons on the pills.

    This is highlighted by the fact she is looking up, with the camera focused on her face.

    becausw she’s getting high, this is really common “being high” imagery. That’s even why it looks slightly sexual: orgasms are just a different kind of high.

    but I’m sure as hell not going to tell a woman she’s not allowed to be offended by sexualization of another woman to sell Playstations.

    Nobody said she can’t be, they just pointed out her reasoning doesn’t really hold much water, because it doesn’t. People can feel however they want about something, none of us can stop them.

  • kinda feel like those individuals shouldn’t be allowed to use computers to do their jobs. If you can’t master just pass the basics, sorry. Here’s a pencil and a pad of paper.

    My wife had her HR rep get pissed at her just yesterday for sending an email to her boss and other higher-ups asking why assistant managers at her company can’t use the computers theyre on all day properly. She had asked for a screenshot of something so she could see what the other person was seeing and they replied with “I can’t do that idk how” and thought that was acceptable?

    Luckily the other higher ups told HR to shut up and that she was only mad because it’s her job to ensure basic computer literacy and she clearly didn’t.

    People 100% get into the mindset that “well, I already know the basics, so anything I don’t know is advanced user shit so I can’t learn it” and it’s infuriating