• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • A majority of Democrats and left-leaning independents, 56 percent, said the party is more likely to win in November without Biden, according to the poll.

    In a head-to-head match-up, Trump holds a 6-point lead over Biden nationally, which is the same lead as in April’s CNN poll.

    It’s not even personal anymore. Or about if Biden would be a good president or not.

    He doesn’t have the support to beat Trump. And trump is too dangerous to risk a candidate people don’t like.

    For fucks sake, Biden might be the first Dem to lose the popular vote in decades. Because of the electoral college there’s no way for a Dem to carry enough states without the popular vote. Republicans get away with it because of small shitty red states.

  • The employees in the joint suit, half of whom are minors (with one as young as 14)—allege that in addition to not being paid for their work, they were subject to racial slurs and Black employees were called “slaves.” They also claim that the minors were exposed to pornographic material while working on Ye’s new adult-film and pornography venture Yeezy Porn, and that Ye’s team was “directly and personally aware” of said exposure.

    The employees state in the suit that Ye’s wife Bianca Censori sent an employee a shared file of “hardcore” porn for the Yeezy Porn platform, and that photos from that file were “openly disseminated” in group forums with the underage workers. The employees also claim they were threatened with non-payment if they refused to sign NDAs.

    I’m not blaming the kids, but I’m 100% blaming the parents who let their teenagers intern for Kanye West.

    That’s just insanely irresponsible and they literally aren’t fit to have custody. Like it’s shady enough for a legit celebrity, but Kanye?

  • It’s literally the people running his campaign…

    “I think he’s the only Democrat who can beat Donald Trump,” Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., a Biden campaign co-chair, said during an interview on ABC News’ “This Week.” “And let me tell you, we had the single best day of grassroots fundraising after the debate.”

    And that’s not even getting into how those are pro-Biden donations so much as “please for fucks sake someone stop trump” donations that literally any Dem candidate would be receiving.

    It’s what happens when you insist on running back to back campaigns on just not being the other guy…

    Like, cool bro, we know the other guy sucks, but why are you here?

    We could have someone we actually want instead, who is also not trump and have the same level of voter support.

    From a cold emtionaless perspective, there is just literally no advantage to Joe Biden being the nominee.

    And this election is more important than Joe Biden’s feelings. We shouldn’t just let him have this one, it’s not the last fucking cookie, it’s deciding who has the best shot of stopping a fascist takeover of the country.

  • Republicans will vote Republican no matter what.

    Dem voters have always needed a candidate they like and/or agree with to turnout en mass and get the Dem elected.

    It makes zero sense to keep blaming Dem voters for having standards instead of blaming party leaders for continuingly shoving candidates we don’t like down our throats.

    There is zero reason to keep pushing unpopular candidates.

    But because we all held our noses for Biden 4 years ago, he got to nominate DNC leadership and he picked idiots who say Biden is our only shot.

    Holding our noses and voting for a candidate whose not for basic parts of the party platform, just moves the party platform and makes it even harder to get votes the next election.

  • You’re acting like convincing me means anything…

    Biden needs to convince 10s of millions of people. Politicians like Obama and Bill Clinton could do that, but they were charismatic in addition to being the lesser of two evils.

    It just makes zero sense to be running Biden.

    If all that matters is beating trump, why force a candidate that supports genocide? Why is it ok for Dems if trump is worse? Why not at least someone that people like and is a good speaker?

    Like, you understand someone slightly less bad as trump is still pretty fucking bad?

    Where do you draw the line if you’ll support “some” genocide?

    If it was trump VS Mitch McConnell who would you vote for? Would you finally realize it’s the parties that need voters, not voters that need parties?

  • Oh, I absolutely agree they’re both pretty awful, but one is significantly worse.

    We’re talking about genocide tho…

    We’re asking people to support “some” genocide, and that “some” is actually quite a fucking lot of genocide.

    And we’re not just asking Americans to overlook that, we’re asking young Dem voters to overlook it. A demographic who historically doesn’t like that shit going back for pretty much the entire existence of the party.

    It makes absolutely zero sense except if the party as an entity wants to be as conservative as possible so when the nation has such a serious risk as trump, instead of the easy win of a candidate dem.voters want, we get someone significantly more conservative than the party, 82 years old, and uncharismatic.

    It’s like someone at the DNC bet on winning, but not to cover the spread. So they’re trying to win by the smallest majority possible.

  • https://apnews.com/live/presidential-debate-2024-updates

    The conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians is an especially vulnerable spot for Biden. With only 26% of U.S. adults approving of his handling of the issue, it’s well below his overall approval rating (39%). In the latest AP-NORC poll, nearly 6 in 10 Democrats disapprove of his approach to the conflict

    trump is worse than Biden, and only 26% agree with Biden…

    You don’t think it’s worth talking about when a foreign country buys off both parties in a two party system so that no matter what happens their interests (in this case a genocide) would be protected and funded?

    You don’t see how this could be happening to a lesser extent in other areas like banking, healthcare, employment, and even social issues that religions care about?

    Carl’s Jr and Hardee’s are also two different things, but two things don’t have to be absolutely identical to be compared to each other. If they were, we wouldn’t be comparing them because they would be the same.

    I think that’s what you’re missing and why you’re accusing people of arguing in bad faith.

    You just don’t understand the point they’re making, but you think you do.