An irrepressible spark of joy deep in my heart/soul/amygdala. I’m not immune to sadness, nor do I desire to be, but I do strive to return to happiness

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • So no real insight into what these hidden functions found in the javascript object do, huh?
    I barely understand this article -I get there is a hidden browser, but I don’t get what reasons there are for it, nor why I should be alarmed other than, you know, a hidden browser with unclear javascript objects, but that’s just fear of the unknown. Sometimes fear of the unknown is justifiable, and given googles (capitalists) track record of late, it’s probably justifiable here, too. But sometimes it’s just fear for fear’s sake which is not a good way to live life…

    More reason to use firefox or other browsers. Maybe if I knew more Computer science I’d be more into linux too