… in Minecraft
… in Minecraft
Yep, we had the exact same fake news story spread in Canada, and used as cover for anti-trans policies. Can we put some tariffs on disinformation please?
There doesn’t seem to be a way to block all users of an instance though unfortunately. You can still see posts and comments they make on other instances
Leave Greenland and Panama out of it
We aren’t them 😤
The average liberal voter, who this meme seems to be targeting, is just as powerless as you are. But yeah let’s make fun of them for voting, even though Kamala lost because of poor turnout.
It’s a problem for everyone to solve
And what exactly are leftists doing that is so effective?
Corporations just reflect the values of their owners. There are companies that emphasize things other than revenue, but as soon as a company goes public and becomes controlled by Wall Street, profit becomes their sole motivation
Huh I didn’t know that! Fine, export taxes on disinfo then