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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Yogthos is not defending Western/liberal values, he is pointing out the hypocrisy.

    Appeal to hypocrisy is one of the lowest, filthiest of arguments, used by trolls, propagandists and hacks of all allegiances. You didn’t make him look much better.

    Russia is not predominantly an imperialist state

    Russian war against Ukraine is a textbook example of an imperialist war - a plunderous attempt to cut up and consume, annex a smaller neighbor in order to expand the sphere of influence of Russian capital, to turn back the losses of the 2010s, when Ukraine escaped, though not unscathed, the clutches of the Russian bourgeoisie in favor of apparently more appealing clutches of the US and EU capital.

    Russia is also a colonial power, which you seem to disregard in favor of the following:

    Russia is an interesting case: it has already liberated itself from the post-Soviet “shock therapy” neocolonizers.

    Positioning the victory of Russian owning class in the act of class warfare which was the shock therapy, calling it and the following consolidation of power by the national bourgeoisie a “liberation” is just disgusting. It was class war, first and foremost. It could give birth to a neocolonial relationship, if it “succeeded” - but it did not. It was a boost for the capital class, which then metastasized into the current liberal turned fascist regime.

    It’s also funny to me how you completely disregard oppressor part, which is as important as the imperialist part.

    In a word, no. In a few more words, support for Russia is only a partial, temporary, tactical one

    So, lesser evilism? Russia is definitely a smaller evil, but I’m not sure how it’s a lesser one. I might be biased though, given Russia’s desire to eradicate me.

    It’s trying to resolve the genocidal attacks on the people of the Donbas

    There were 25 civilian deaths on both sides during the whole of 2021; large portion of them due to mines and other wartime remains. The claims of genocide in Donbas are some of the most blatant lies there, and you should be ashamed of yourself for ever uttering them.

    By ignoring the imperialist nature of the invasion, by repeating the position of Russian capital - “the genocide, the aggression, the protection of the motherland against foreign interests” - you inadvertently serve as their lackey.

  • There’s no equating, I specified which things I have issues with. You’ve been deflecting from those things by bringing up Holocaust, which is a tactic used by fascists. Also saying that there are prominent fascists who call themselves tankies or communists is not related to Holocaust in any way. The only way you can link it is by malicious use of the aforementioned tactic.

    defense of ethnic cleansing

    When I bring up ethnic cleansings done by USSR and the first thing you do is deflecting by lying that I said they were equal to Holocaust, this is defense of ethnic cleansing. When called out on that, you continued to do so, so I can’t write it off as you being unaware of what you were doing. The moment you called me out on the thing you thought I was doing, I corrected you. When you got called out, you just ignored it and kept doing the same thing.

    Russia is just a […] democracy

    Thank you for verifying you don’t know shit. Trivializing fascism we go.

    You need to open a history book specialized in how fascist systems exist and operate.

    Generally it’s a bad idea to hinge the whole question of whether a country is fascist on a single esoteric economic factor. Which part are you talking about: the slave labor? the war economy? You’re a bit word salad-y there.

    What “tankie community” lol?

    The one which decided to come out on me with your fascist deflections. Or the same which keep calling Ukrainians Nazis, following the same propaganda tactic used in the War on Terror. The same from which fascists like Haz, Maupin, and Hinkle sprouted and got popular in. Or the same which tried to do whataboutism when I brought up Russian genocidal policies on trans people around a month ago. Those which pretend that created via a Nazi coup DNR is actually an embattled Russian minority defending itself and not a blatant puppet-state. The one that tried to justify Russian invasion to me countless of times, the one that parroted Russian narratives on Bucha. What I’m doing here is basically describing my every second interaction with tankies to you.

    Obviously there’s not a single community, but there are large nodes, and even if there were none, this wouldn’t mean the patterns of behavior can’t be criticized.