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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Milken’s worth is stagnant - he can’t play stocks. In the 80s Milken had what the wealthy always want, power. He doesn’t have it now. 6 billion is what he’s worth and that’s a long long way below the likes of Elon Musk. Had Milken never been convicted he would’ve kept growing like Elon did.

    You’re missing my point. I’m not saying these guys are put into the same kind of financial distress the rest of us are when the car breaks down. They’re still the top 1%. And that’s fine with me, there’s always going to be a top 1%. It’s the “beyond” that concerns me, when they have enough money that it no longer matters when they lose. Milken, Madoff, they all had that much at one point and then they lost. They lost the thing they craved, the power. They might still be rich but they know better than anyone that wealth without power is just an appetizer. They want a seat at the table and getting removed from the SEC is paramount to being told they aren’t dressed well enough to eat in the restaurant.

  • Removing his ability to play stocks at all is removing his ability to earn money. His investors will leave him and the interest on his loans will liquidate him. We’ve seen more than a few of his type flash up and fade away. Milken. Pickens. Belfort. And of course, Madoff. Just to name a few we know by a single name.

    He would still be wealthier than 99.99% of people but then so are a lot of folks on the planet. That’s 80 million people left over in that .01%. That’s not all that powerful at all. It’s removing him from the .00001% thats the goal. And killing his stock market abilities would do that over-night. It’s why he bought Twitter, he had to because this was the alternative.

  • Nah there’s no wizardry here. The game itself is actually very simple in terms of processing. You only see maybe a dozen enemies at once, if that, ever, and whenever you do its in a locked arena area. A tiny arena even.

    As FPS games go, Doom is wildly simplistic, which makes it that much more impressive that it’s as fun and repayable as it is. I personally thought the narrative actually managed to carry a lot of that weight (i loved the story) but it was also the gameplay itself - they did a superb job making the player actually learn the guns and why you’d use each one, rather than just letting them have a favorite.

    Don’t get me wrong though, I don’t mean to belittle them. Doom is a chefs egg. Every cook can make an egg, but making a perfect egg every time is something that takes the mastery of a chef. Id is very much the chef in the analogy.

  • I can respect the stance, kind of. Can I offer an alternative perspective on that though?

    For starters, Oligarchs don’t always win. That’s defeatism, don’t do that - for your own good.

    But the main thing I’m pointing out is that there’s a particularly stinky arrogance in the creation of a hypothetical “little guy helped by my words”, and I know it because when I honestly ask myself why I contributed to reddit, it’s for me, not others. I wrote because I enjoyed it. Both quality and quantity. And while many people may have been helped by my words in one way or another and I’m happy for them, I didn’t honestly write any of it for them. I did it for me. And it was me who didn’t want to see the content go off into the nether, I was the hold-up. In my view, that’s again - a particularly stinky kind of arrogance. One I recognized in myself and took action to overcome. Your comment reminded me of it is all.

  • Thing is the next guy can’t actually invigorate them because it’s DeSantis. Or Ted Cruz, whom I suspect will actually end up with the nomination. DeSantis is a shitbag but he’s entirely lacking in the crowd pleasing department. MAGA diehards are all that’s left and they hate him already. Then there’s Cruz, who will be a direct opposite to that brand - trying to sell himself as a moderate. Real hard to get people excited about that, and they’ve spent a decade or more undercutting that exact platform.

    The brand of ego maniac that creates a Trump isn’t common enough for Republicans to just spin up a new one. We’ve watched them try time and again the last 8 years and it’s laughable how badly it goes for them. I disdain Trump but I can recognize that aspect clearly. The guy was massively and mainstream popular for decades prior to his presidency across multiple, huge platforms. He was already a household name, no one had to ask who he was. That’s what it took.

    Republicans know it too, it’s why they’ve still been backing him and not going on the direct offensive - yet.

  • I think at this stage removing it would be equivalent to tattooing “assassinate me” on his forehead.

    Look I hate the guy too and he doesn’t deserve his freedom, but there’s a large number of people in this world who would love to merc a former POTUS regardless of who that POTUS is or what they did. And frankly Trump is more dangerous as a martyr than he is alive and alone on house arrest for the rest of his life.

    Edit, dead he can’t speak for himself anymore, alive all he does is bury himself further every time he opens his mouth. Let him. Let him babble incoherently into obscurity. My father in law was full on MAGA and just last week he called Trump “fucking retarded” off-handedly. My wife and I both felt relief instantly. The dude is losing all but the extreme fringe.