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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • That’s been my experience so far, that it’s largely useless for knowledge based stuff.

    In programming, you can have it take “pseducode” and have it output actionable code for more tedious languages, but you have to audit it. Ultimately I find traditional autocompletion just as useful.

    I definitely see how it helps cheat on homework, and extends “stock photography” to the point of really limiting the market for me photography or artists for bland business assets though.

    I see how people find it useful for their “professional” communications, but I hate it because people that used to be nice and to the point are staying to explode their communication into a big LLM mess.

  • So much the better, as far as those executives are concerned.

    Let’s say you want to cut costs and you know you have momentum and a long lag where your total incompetence won’t make a difference to business results in the short term, so cut costs by getting rid of the top talent.

    Now if they outright just fire every good person, well that looks obviously stupid, but if those good people just… up and quit… well they are hardly to blame, and don’t have to pay out those massive severances. You get your annual bonus which is big, and your big restricted stock payday might be delayed two years, but they know, realistically, they can probably coast a good 3 or 4 years before the game is up. Or if you have a supremely strong ‘business brand’, you might be able to coast indefinitely as the big shots will never believe that brand isn’t good anymore.

  • I have found my headset useful for work, when working from home and I don’t do camera on meetings anyway.

    At home it’s pretty nice, and since my ears are open I can actually talk, so my wife actually prefers it over me wearing headphones. But all things in moderation, I wouldn’t wear it constantly.

    Despite being a huge fan of the concept, I still couldn’t go for Apple’s headset, it’s heavy, it’s expensive, and lack of controllers are all deal breakers. The Quest 3 is lighter, has good controllers, and is more affordable. It may not have the displays as nice as Vision, but that doesn’t make up for the rest of the stuff.

  • Strong is not mutually exclusive with fat.

    I have a friend who made ability to lift heavy stuff basically his whole identity. Correlated with that was at any gathering he made a big show of eating just way more than everyone else because he’s a “big guy” and his muscles demand that much. So long as he could lift, obviously he must be fit, he works out after all. Basically his concept of masculinity is lift the heaviest stuff and eat the most stuff.

    Now he’s struggling with diabetes and liver problems, despite being crazy strong. Never did cardio, and ate way more than he needed.

    Yes, BMI can be misleading and being a bit muscular can have a higher BMI and be healthier than BMI says, but odds are if you are up in the obese territory, you probably are packing a lot of visceral fat screwing up your gut.

  • Considering the proposal is only about LA county, figure I’d use that, but we can consider things either way.

    I would expect that whatever means had the retiree have both a home and at least another property left them with other typical sources of passive income. So in aggregate, I would expect social security, with retirement savings, plus the value of the house produces an overall viable income.

    Whether the mortgage is paid off or not is immaterial unless they are somehow “upside down” on it. If the mortgage is not paid off, then selling it also removes the mortgage payment.

    But let’s say that it is unreasonable to sell, maybe somehow the person has all of their money tied up in the property and can’t sell the property for an amount to get enough passive income. This measure would not force her to sell, it simply caps her rental income increase to 3% a year. Her property value may go up, but that doesn’t make her mortgage go up (if she even has one). County assessments would make her tax bill increase some, though generally a pittance. Even if you are concerned about the tax bill, you could have some clause that assessments or property tax for people with rental properties is similarly capped if the owner is subject to a rental income cap. In most contexts, the ability to guarantee oneself a 3% a year raise would be pretty respectable.