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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This is why I’ve felt that if we are going to stop trans women from competing with women, it’s time to do away with the gender aspect of sport where possible. The Paralymics maintain ratings for the severity of disability that an athlete is overcoming. Why couldn’t we do similar for natural ability in other sport, not unlike weight classes?

    It’s all very hypothetical, but with a perfect system we’d be seeing ability bands of athletes with a high confidence that the only difference between competitors is the effort and strategy that they put into their sport, rather than any kind of natural advantage. Men and women would occasionally compete together and it’d be great.

  • I can understand why you’d take this view. I suffered through a conservative religious upbringing so I can definitely relate. However, I think this viewpoint is dangerous overall, and to be honest shows some naivety about how difficult it is to raise kids.

    If we start policing what is right and wrong to teach kids, beyond certain limits we start to get into the territory of huge government oversight. There should be things that are off limits (eg obvious example anything pertaining to sexual abuse) but at some point this just becomes government ordained opinion.

    As a bad example, say you live in the USA and give your child sandwiches for lunch with two slices of bread. Then you see that in France everyone gives their children baguettes for lunch (bad example). Which of these two is better? If baguettes are better, is giving sandwiches when you could give baguettes more abusive? Who should decide that? What if someone now claims that sandwiches are a part of their religion?

    You’re obviously talking about something far more impactful that lunch choices, but I hope I’ve crudely made my point. We should question the way we discuss these topics with children, but we should also remember that we could be at the start (or perhaps the middle) of a very, very slippery slope. In the end I think it’s just down to you to raise your own children the way you feel is right.

  • Absolutely, for many it’s nice to be under one name even if there is no legal need. I do think though that in a world where taking the male family name is not a default and anything can happen, double barrelling becomes problematic as a solution. You can only double barrel so many times! We need a new tradition that is equal for everyone and scales well. My favourite is what I once witnessed at a fantastic wedding. Before cutting their cake, the happy couple literally did a coin flip to choose who would take the other’s name. It was easily the most exciting part of the day.