• Ex-Reddit Account (nuked): u/justlookingfordragon

  • My youtube channel (mostly BotW and TotK content)

  • Trade List for Pokémon SwoSh

  • 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • f I created a community, would I become it’s (lone) moderator automatically?

    Yes. But you can also immediatly appoint new mods and/or un-mod yourself if there are other mods present, so it is easy to give a community away when there are other interested users. It’s not a permanent thing.

    What consequences, requirements and things would I need to keep in mind as a moderator?

    Your community needs to be compatible wih the Fediverse Code of Conduct … but that boils down to “don’t be a dick and don’t post illegal stuff” which is pretty much just common sense. It’s not exactly hard to follow those rules ;)

    Apart from that, you can set whatever rules you want. But keep in mind that the Fediverse is still a lot smaller than reddit, so if you are TOO niche / narrow / strict with the rules, you’ll have a hard time finding people who want to engage with your community. General, broad-themed communities with easy-to-follow rules have a bigger chance to thrive.

    … and a personal little tip: don’t slam down the ban hammer at every opportunity. As a mod you are able to ban, silence, remove or otherwise “punish” people for bad behaviour, but that doesn’t mean that you have to do that. It’s a lot better to give users the benefit of the doubt, explain instead of punish (as they might not be aware that they did something bad in the first place), and give them a reasonable chance to fix their mistakes on their own before taking action. Post removal, bans and the like should be reserved solely for when the user in question is unwilling to cooperate OR did something obviously super shitty (like threatening other users, using slurs, posting illegal stuff etc.)

    Is it advisable to copy-paste content from Reddit to kickstart new communities (given that the link source to the original content was added as well when making new posts)?

    Well … as a last resort, yes. Original content or stuff from non-reddit sources is always preferable as it gives users of the Fediverse an incentive to visit communities here instead of going to reddit, but copypasted content is still better than no content at all, so if you can’t find interesting / worthwile stuff elsewhere, then copypasting from reddit is okay-ish too.

    OC is still way better tho.

  • …and even if it loads, it’ll be grainy and ugly and consists of eight or so pixels - maybe nine if your connection is top tier. Before I nuked my account, I redownloaded all videos I had uploaded over the course of the last couple of years, but then decided against reuploading them to youtube because all of them look like sh*t now. I’d be embarrassed to put something like that into my YT account.

    … and it is defo reddit’s fault, because when I uploaded the videos back in the day I often struggled to keep the file size under 1GB, whereas the same videos downloaded later now have 87 MB on average … less than a tenth of the original data, still the same lenght and content, but the quality took a huge, very noticable nosedive.

  • The wrong people pick up the communities and just abandon them or completely mismanage them. Can’t be helped though.

    That’s already happening, but the ability to “adopt” communities helps to combat that. You can go to [email protected] and request to take over abandoned communities created by others, provided the original creator has been inactive and the community really IS abandoned / unmoderated. That way, someone who is actually interested in doing something for / with the community gets put in charge for a second chance (instead of the community name squatter being allowed to block the community name forever).

    I adopted [email protected] a couple of months ago for xample. It didn’t have a sidebar, rules, banner, icon, and the original creator had contributed zero content, so even tho that game is popular at the moment, there was barely anything interesting in there (plus some offtopic posts that were simply never removed). Now it has 2.6k subscribers and a steady stream of content, and offtopic stuff / insulting comments and the like actually get removed.

    I also adopted [email protected] yesterday by the way, so the above comment that this community is “abandoned and devoid of content” is no longer true ;) maybe I should edit that … hm.

    Long story short, I still think adopting abandoned communities is a good thing. provided the “adopter” is active enough themselves to make the community thrive.

  • I feel similar about Ocarina of Time. Still one of my favorite Zelda games, and absolutely revolutionary for the time it was published in, but horribly outdated compared to basically everything that exists today. Since almost every 3D game today has stuff like Z-targeting and companion NPCs giving in-game hints and context-sensitive buttons and the like, there is nothing new and baffling about that game to someone who is already used to these gimmicks and concepts being the bare minimum standard.

  • Nostalgia creates some massive rose-tinted glasses.

    I’ve used to love FFVIII as a teenager and decided to buy it again for the Switch last year, but I legit couldn’t progress more than a ten-minute-interval without either cringeing at the characters or being angry about them in some way. Why are they all so edgy? Why are their decisions always so incredibly stupid? I eventually realized that the characters are basically what a 12 year old would consider to be cool adults when in reality they’re absolutely immature in every aspect.

    I really really tried to complete at least one playthrough again in the hopes that it would eventually get better, but snapped when the oh-so-mighty martial arts character, who had been showing off his melee skills in every effing cutscene, flat-out forgot that he has been fighting literal demons with his bare hands for the entire effing game only to realize AFTER a multiple day long imprisonment that he could just slap the guards around without having to get a weapon first. FFS how do you forget such a thing for longer than a week?!

    I guess the same kinda applies to FFVII because everyone I know who had played the game when it initially released still thinks it’s THE best FF game to date and they’re usually very very vocal about that opinion, and everyone who didn’t play it “back in the day” just couldn’t understand what was so great about it. I’m in the latter group BTW. I’m all for letting people enjoy what they want and I won’t try to ruin anyone’s fun with a game they like, but I am convinced that a huge portion of that hype is nothing more than nostalgia.

  • Minor addition: Lemmy needs more active users. A lot of redditfugees seem to have created their own instances the moment they arrived here, only to expect other people to fill the communities with content and then abandon the site once they realised they would have to put actual work into their communities instead of just being squatters with mod rights. There are a lot of gaming-related communities here that I personally would be interested in joining if they weren’t abandoned and devoid of content (like Cult of the Lamb or Spiritfarer for example).

    It would be really nice if active Lemmy users would “adopt” a few of those abandoned communities to add content and pull in more subscribers. “Only” having more people overall on the site doesn’t do much if this does not lead to more content / discussions / interaction.

  • I was trying to unlock a dragon-type safari in Pokémon Y and you can’t just enter a random code for that - you need to find another player who has such a safari in their own game already, share codes with them, and then you both need to be online at the same time at least once. After lots of googling I found a person on reddit, but didn’t have an account at the time so I created one just for that dumb safari.

    I didn’t even plan to keep the account in the first place, so I didn’t care for a proper name - that’s the reason I was named “justlookingfordragon” back then. I tried “just_looking_for_a_dragon_type_safari_THX” first but it exceeded the character limit.

    After that, I didn’t touch the account again for a few months but eventually started using it proper for giveawys of Pokémon breedjects, and then later Zelda-related stuff. Still never bothered to find a better name and it’s become somewhat of a running gag for me to use that awkward username elsewhere (like for youtube and lemmy for example).

  • Anyone who does NOT think kids are a burden either doesn’t have kids or doesn’t give a sh*t about raising them right. If you are an actually responsible adult and parent, and you intend to give your kids all the attention, care and love they demand and deserve, then it WILL be taxing. It WILL eat up your time and energy for years to come. You WILL have sleepless nights, and unexpected challenges. You WILL be exhausted, frustrated and defeated at times.

    The difference is that good parents feel like that tradeoff is worth it. That your beloved family / children matter most, even tho they are a burden. This isn’t an “either/or” situation where struggling automatically means that you can’t be happy about the struggle. Children can be the light of your life AND the most annoying thing in the universe at the same time, and a good parent will still love them whatever happens.