• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 20th, 2023


  • I work in healthcare IT. EHR clients and other necessary software that hold PHI (protected/private health information) run only on Windows. Recall seems to require a PC with a discrete 40 TOPs NPU so none of the current workstations. There is an opt-out already so I’m sure, though not positive, it can be turned off with a group policy.

    I, optimistically, think this is a moot point for businesses. The goal is to get consumer data to sell not lose business purchases.

    Cynically, I think it will be forced on consumers with, eventually, no option to turn it off.

  • I feel like the headline and all these comments have WAAAAAYYYYY too much faith in the technical savvy and/or privacy concerns of the average pc user. They are not committing suicide. They know that a very small minority will be upset by recall and AI but the vast majority don’t know enough to care and definitely won’t take the time to learn about why they should care.

  • What streaming device is $20? Amazon firestick is close to that but still more and has all the ads and tracking we’re complaining about. Chromecast, a used crappy version, is $50+ after taxes it looks like, then Roku seems to be even more. I mean I get it and we all want to stop ads. I personally have pihole and just blocked the Samsung telemetry stuff but not everyone is that savvy. That’s the point of the first comment of this chain. Most people just want a simple single device to watch what they want without all the ads and tracking. All these companies suck, let’s unite over that!

  • “…many EIDL loans of $100,000 or less didn’t enter into collections. Those loan amounts represented small fish, and the government didn’t have the resources to go after them…” My initial reaction was good. Then I read this and thought they are going after the wrong businesses, so not good. But then at the very end of the article it says small businesses account for 99.9% of US businesses so that must represent most of the economy and they are clearly gouging us too, so good again?