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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I think it’ll take time but as things settle a bit I wouldn’t be shocked to see a lot of uses spring up that draw in users without them really being aware they’re even using the fediverse.

    For example one of the main draws to Reddit was always the tech knowledge of the users but us nerds are all here now so it’s only a matter of time before Twitter and Facebook have screenshots of Lemmy posts rather than Reddit posts, all the rabbit holes that used to lead to Reddit will start pointing here.

    There are already interesting bots being written for communities here, I saw a chat GPT one and no doubt anyone making a fun toy is far more likely to design it to work here where it’s not going to have API access destroyed and everything is more flexible - I know that next bot I write will be for lemmy rather then Reddit which I’d normally use. I might even get round to writing the community RPG game that was going to work on its own subreddit, I could have it as a custom instance instead and allow members of federated communities to play.

    There’s so many more possibilities and as they evolve they’ll slowly draw people over and when they have their toe in I suspect meny will stay. I’ve got a hundred ideas for things to make and with ai coding helping I’ll probably actually get round to finishing a dozen of them before the end of the year - I went to try new ways of visualising discussions, of working together and against each other to reach a common goal, I want to make games and mobile apps that work with communities in interesting ways and this is the perfect platform to do it on so I know I don’t be the only one

  • It’s so sad that the war on drugs people Keep making their rediculous arguments against it now there are so many places where it’s legal and nothing has happened beside increased tax revenue and lives no longer being ruined by the police.

    Maryland started selling recreational a few days ago and if you weren’t looking for it you’d barely notice, certain shops now sell good quality, fairly priced weed to anyone over 21, society hasn’t collapsed.

  • First I would bang on a neighbor’s door and pay them to follow me with a camera then run into the fairly nearby motorbike shop and yell ‘quick I’m doing a Mr Beast challenge I need to spend a million dollars in the next half hour!’ all four guys working would jump at it especially if I said ‘give yourself 10% commission on each one’

    The only other shop near that isn’t just groceries is a wedding dress shop so I guess while they’re getting the paperwork ready I’d run in and buy their most expensive white gowns so that we could ride in style - though the train might get caught in the chain…

    Oh and I’d run into the pub and tell them to ring up as much as possible before the time runs out so we can all go there after to relax.